Правилното решение за елиминиране на термомостове в строителството!Осигуряване на перфектен микроклимат в сгради вече е възможно. Termomost. bg е представител на Schöck за България. [read more]
Termometar. net е своеобразно продължение на ефирната програма Термометър. И тук започваме със същата амбиция – да ви бъдем максимално полезни, когато търсите верния отговор за вашето здраве. [read more]
Tom & Hardy Show' is an original animated comedy series that takes place in a futuristic digital universe. The story is about two computer viruses - Tom the Trojan horse and Hardy the Computer worm. [read more]
General profile of "Tristan 02" Ltd - specialists in the field of batteries. Here we will find batteries for all applications from leading European manufacturers, meeting the international.. [read more]
A consultancy agency, with focus on quality user experience, product-centric, passionate about creating solutions, that are sensible and add value for everybody involved in the process - from.. [read more]
Tander Corporation with more than 16 connected companies in Bulgaria and abroad and more than 50 Mio BGN annual group turnover is one of the leading players in the Bulgarian automotive sector. [read more]
Telelink Infra Services is a part of Telelink Group. Our core business focuses are design and construction of network infrastructure, complete range of integrated security solutions and.. [read more]
Виртуалните Асистенти са квалифицирани професионалисти, които работят от разстояние (онлайн) и изпълняват обширен диапазон от услуги в помощ на Вашия бизнес. [read more]
Transcard Financial Services (TFS) is a licensed payment institution, entered by the Bulgarian National Bank in the Public register of licensed payment institutions. [read more]
Technology Center NOMAT PLC. is a private enterprise found in Burgas, Bulgaria. The core business of the company are the sandblast appliances. NOMAT is a producer of sandblast nozzles of.. [read more]
TimeLine consulting Ltd. is official partner оf German ERP software developer TimeLine Business Solutions Group GmbH for Bulgaria. Our award-winning ERP solutions are among the most.. [read more]
Innovative and fast growing company in the field of information and communication technologies. TouchPoint LLC provides comprehensive, highly reliable IT solutions tailored to the specific desires.. [read more]
Tweekends is a licensed tour operator that organizes exclusive, highly personalized programs for travel, adventure experience and group activities in Europe. [read more]
TechRoom Ltd. has continuously developed new processes, tools and services for Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Trade Contractors, Construction Managers, Manufacturers, as well as Owners.. [read more]
TE-ZI is a company, located at Varna 9000. [read more]
Корпорация Тианде е специализирана компания за производство на натурална козметика, която се грижи.. [read more]
ThingsLog is a remote monitoring solutions provider. Businesses who need turnkey telemetry and data acquisition solutions for speed, flexibility, control, and optimization of their infrastructure.. [read more]
Trakia EOOD is a direct successor of Trakia OOD, registered in Stara Zagora in 1993. As can be seen from the Court's judgment, the partners' initial number is 10 and gradually decreases to three. [read more]
TenderAlpha is a global government contracts data product consisting of standardized information on approximately 80 million contract awards and the related private and public company data from.. [read more]
Techno Aktas - Plovdiv is part of the Bursa based company Aktaş Holding. Aktaş Holding has provided added value to the country and global economy since its foundation by the deceased Sait.. [read more]
Trans – Mar Services guarantees a qualitative and prompt service to its customers through trained and motivated team, many of whose members have been worked in the marine sphere and are.. [read more]
The Agile Box is an all-in-one solution for any Agile team facilitator. It keeps together all necessary stationery and specific agile support materials. [read more]
AM Solutions е компания, специализирана в изработването и поддържането на уеб сайтове. Мисията ни е да помогнем на бизнесите и хората със свободни професии да подобрят своето онлайн присъствие. [read more]
We hold groups of selected entrepreneurs that gather online once a week to bounce ideas, stay accountable and get support to grow their businesses. . [read more]
The company offers a wide range of consulting and engineering services in the field of strengthen, injection and foundation activities. The main focus of the company is concentrated on the.. [read more]
The CITY Media Group publishes The CITY Magazine: http://gradat. bg/spisanieThe event portfolio of the media group includes:National contest "Building of the Year" (since.. [read more]
At Todos Consulting we believe that happy customers are the heart of every business!This is why we partner with companies towards building valuable customer interactions that leave positive footprint. [read more]
Titan Interconnect is a global distributor of connection systems for the wire harness industry. We offer an extensive range of high quality, competitively priced products. [read more]
TechPods is a UK-based technology co-sourcing company with offices in Bulgaria. Unlike traditional IT outsourcing companies, TechPods' fully transparent model enables companies to scale.. [read more]
Translation Global is a language service provider located in Bulgaria and specializing in translation and localization services from and into Bulgarian. [read more]
The Blueprint was established with the goal of connecting ideas with synergistic business partners. We provide a platform where entrepreneurs with new technological ideas or established.. [read more]
Tax advisory and tax compliance company. [read more]
Bilet BG is the fastest growing ticket sales company on the Balkans. And there is a reason - we promote your events!From local street celebrities to international festival or conference.. [read more]
IT technologies on server of your business. Experts of managing and supporting IT operations. . [read more]
Inspired by the mystical and magical Thracian culture we are worshiping the most occult and magnificent figure, not well known but preserved till today – the Thracian nymph Thrake (Spelled "TRAKE"). [read more]
A network of boutique, IT-ready coworking spaces and serviced offices in Sofia, Bulgaria. . [read more]