GO! Lagere School voor Buitengewoon Onderwijs-De Eekhoorn Wemmel is a school, located at Isidoor Meyskensstraat 75, 1780 Wemmel. They can be contacted via phone at +32 2 460 43 62 for more.. [read more]
Vrije Basisschool-De Akker is a primary school, located at Donkerstraat 11, 8640 Vleteren. They can be contacted via phone at +32 57 40 12 37 for more detailed information. [read more]
Basisschool Sint-Theresia is a primary school, located at Kapellewegel 1, 9230 Wetteren. [read more]
Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs Semper is a school, located at Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel. They can be contacted via phone at +32 2 629 39 08 for more detailed information. [read more]
Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs HIK is a school, located at Kleinhoefstraat 4, 2440 Geel. They can be contacted via phone at +32 14 23 23 70 for more detailed information. [read more]
Volwassenenonderwijs Spermalie is a school, located at Snaggaardstraat 15, 8000 Brugge. They can be contacted via phone at +32 50 44 10 00 for more detailed information. [read more]
IBO Kakelbont-Blijmare is a school, located at Knotwilgenlaan, 8200 Brugge. [read more]
Mariaschool Schaarbeek is a primary school, located at Rubensstraat 106, 1030 Brussel. [read more]
De Pianoles is a school, located at Ascopstraat 5, 9270 Laarne. [read more]
Gemeentelijke Basisschool Neerwinden is a primary school, located at Oscar Huysecomlaan 21, 3400 Landen. [read more]
GO! Basisschool 't Groen Schooltje is a primary school, located at Boechoutsesteenweg 31, 2540 Hove. They can be contacted via phone at +32 3 455 48 06 for more detailed information. [read more]
HELMo Sainte-Marie is a school, located at Rue de Harlez, 4000 Liège. [read more]
OC Sint-Idesbald School is a school, located at 8800 Roeselare. [read more]
CVO Ivoran de Masten is a school, located at Kapelsestraat, 2950 Kapellen. [read more]
7 Sprong is a primary school, located at Vital Decosterstraat 67, 3000 Leuven. [read more]
Dr. Dooms is a school, located at Verdurestraat 3, 9700 Oudenaarde. [read more]
VABI-Vrij Agro- en Biotechnisch Instituut is a school, located at Zuidstraat 27, 8800 Roeselare. They can be contacted via phone at +32 51 26 47 26 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kijk en Kook is a school, located at Mechelsesteenweg 588A, 1800 Vilvoorde. They can be contacted via phone at +32 2 311 48 37 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bijzonder Onderwijsschool-Den Anker is a school, located at Sint-Janstraat, 2800 Mechelen. [read more]
Crèche Les Petits Rêveurs is a school, located at Avenue du Pèlerin 2, 1330 Rixensart. [read more]
Centre Scolaire Communal Morinval is a school, located at Rue Bonne-Nouvelle 7, 4000 Liège. [read more]
Institut de la Providence Humanités is a school, located at Faubourg de Bruxelles 105, 6041 Charleroi. [read more]
Ecole Fondamentale Communale No3 Primaire is a primary school, located at Rogierstraat, 1030 Brussel. [read more]
WICO-126193 is a school, located at Stationsstraat 25, 3910 Pelt. They can be contacted via phone at +32 11 64 07 01 for more detailed information. . [read more]
WICO Campus Overpelt is a school, located at Ursulinenstraat 13-17, 3900 Pelt. They can be contacted via phone at +32 11 64 26 42 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vrije Basisschool-Ter Bunen is a primary school, located at Bruggestraat 30_A, 8730 Beernem. They can be contacted via phone at +32 50 78 97 22 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vrije Basisschool-De Negensprong is a primary school, located at Dorp 60, 2382 Ravels. They can be contacted via phone at +32 14 65 66 89 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vrije Basisschool-De Dobbelsteen is a school, located at Willem Gijsselsstraat 1, 2050 Antwerpen. They can be contacted via phone at +32 3 219 15 60 for more detailed information. [read more]
Centre Scolaire Ma Campagne is a school, located at Afrikastraat 78, 1050 Brussel. They can be contacted via phone at +32 2 537 56 61 for more detailed information. [read more]
Institut d'Enseignement de Promotion Sociale-CEFOR is a school, located at Boulevard Cauchy 9, 5000 Namur. [read more]
Institut Fondamentale Libre Sainte-Ursule-Section Maternelle is a school, located at Wapenrustinglaan, 1190 Brussel. [read more]
École Sainte-Ursule is a primary school, located at Victor Rousseaulaan, 1190 Brussel. [read more]
École Les Sureaux is a primary school, located at Sylvain Dupuislaan, 1070 Brussel. [read more]
STIBO Het Uilennestje is a primary school, located at Coupure Rechts, 9000 Gent. [read more]
Buitenschoolse Kinderopvang Patjoepelke is a school, located at Slagveldstraat 48, 9160 Lokeren. [read more]
Buitenschoolse Kinderopvang Bredene is a school, located at Prinses Elisabethlaan, 8450 Bredene. [read more]