
গোমতী নদীর তীরে গড়ে উঠা দাউদকান্দি উপজেলার একটি ঐতিহ্যবাহী অঞ্চল হলো গৌরীপুর ইউনিয়ন।

Tags : #CommunityOrganization, #LandmarkHistoricalPlace, #Landmark&HistoricalPlace

Location :
Gouripur, 3517 Comilla


Gouripur is a small town and a Union Parishad in Daudkandi Upazila under Comilla District which is located beside the National Dhaka - Chittagong Highway. Though Gouripur is a very small town but it's a better business place.

Due to the presence of the DHK - CTG Highway and Homna - Gouripur road, the place is developing day by day. The Gomti River which has flown from India and entered into Bangladesh through the Comilla / Agartala border, has finally met with the Meghna River in Daudkandi region. The Gomti River has flown beside Gouripur.

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