Dedicated to imparting knowledge of English via student-oriented methods and techniques. . [read more]
Our Mission & Vision Is To inspire Rural Students For Studying Science. Fair In Science We Will Win. . . [read more]
General Education Development. [read more]
To lead the world, be scholar. . [read more]
Heart beat of CMC নামে আমাদের আরেকটি গ্রুপ থাকার পরও আমাদের এই ফেনপেইজটা মুলত খোলা হয়েছে, হঠাৎ কোন News update দেয়ার জন্য!. [read more]
IT training & Solution. . [read more]
Welcome to unofficial page of Uttar Sandwip Degree College. [read more]
Marketing Department is at the comilla university was found in 2006. It was started functioning from the session of 2006-2007. . . . . . . . . [read more]
The Asian University for Women (AUW) is a center of higher learning and aims to empower women to assume leadership roles in their communities. . [read more]
We Are Proud Off Our School. . [read more]
Chattogram Medical College (also known as CMC) is situated in the port city of Chittagong, Bangladesh and is the oldest medical college in the south-eastern part of the country. [read more]
সবাই মিলে আড্ডা দেওয়াই আমাদের কাজ. [read more]
Manikcahri Giri Moitri Degree college is one of the Letest & Digital College in Khagrachari Hill tract. [read more]
Official Fan Page of BGC Trust University Bangladesh Web: www. bgctub-edu. com Email: info@bgctub Fax: +880312550224 Phone: 03033-56193. [read more]
'পড় তোমার প্রভুর নামে যিনি তোমাকে সৃষ্টি করেছেন'. [read more]
An excellent center of learning. It's an unofficial fan page of কালিকাপুর আব্দুল মতিন খসরু কলেজ।. [read more]
Admission information of BBA Professional degree Program under National University @ Daffodil Institute of It, Chattogram, Bangladesh. . [read more]
SCIENCE ACADEMY is a coaching center for Inter 1st year, 2nd year & HSC candidates. Here only teaches group subject for SCIENCE students and ICT both SCIENCE & BUSINESS STUDIES. [read more]
Jahapur K K (Kamala Kanta) Academy and College is one of the oldest Educational Institution in Muradnagar upazila under Comilla district which has been fou. [read more]
This is the official page of ESAB UNIT FACE , Comilla University. . [read more]
প্রবর্তক কলেজ, চট্টগ্রাম এর অফিসিয়াল পেইজ।. [read more]
মোহরা ছায়েরা খাতুন কাদেরীয়া বালিকা উচ্চ বিদ্যালয় ও কলেজ।. [read more]
গোপীনাথপুর আল-হাজ শাহ আলম ডিগ্রি কলেজ। গোপীনাথপুর, কসবা, ব্রাক্ষণবাড়িয়া।. [read more]
Noakhali Karamatia Kamil - m. a Madrasha is a university, located at sonapur, maijdee court, noakhali, chittagong, bangladesh, 3802 Maijdee Court, Chittagong. [read more]
Performing MBA Program under University of Chittagong. . [read more]
গ্রাম-পৌরসভা, ডাকঘর-চান্দিনা, উপজেলা-চান্দিনা, জেলা-কুমিল্লা।. [read more]
অভিজ্ঞ গৃহ শিক্ষক দিচ্ছি. [read more]
► The Name of College: Nasirnagar Govt College ► Place Type: University ► Institute Level: Degree (Pass) Level ► Institute EIIN Number: 103464. [read more]
This is a Hypothalamus System, The System use Human So change Body Power. . [read more]
"We Are Proud Of Our School". [read more]
ইসলাম এবং আধুনিক শিক্ষার মধ্যে সমন্বয়কারী আদর্শগত দ্বীনি প্রতিষ্ঠান।. [read more]
it is a programming learnig and build programming career building page. . [read more]
This is the official facebook page of the Faculty of Business Administration, FENI UNIVERSITY (FU). FU offers both BBA and MBA program. . [read more]
University Knowledge Solution " Your True Guidelines " We Provide : - Math 1 - Math 2 - Accounting 1 - Accounting 2 - Finance 1 - Finance 2 - Stat 1 - Stat 2 - OM - OR - PM -.. [read more]
Bangladesh Therapeutic Theatre Institute (BTTI) one of the organizations in the mental health sector in Bangladesh since 2006, has started creative arts based therapeutic theatre process. [read more]
admission going on P S C, J S C, S S C, H S C and special model test. [read more]