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SelenaSky FITness is located at Graeme Hall, Christ Church, Barbados

Tags : #HealthWellnessWebsite, #YogaStudio, #Health&WellnessWebsite

Location :
Graeme Hall, Christ Church

Added by Jopie, at 01 December 2017


Sharing my love and passion for acroyoga, fitness and healthy living.

*You may have noticed that I’ve changed my name from Elite Pole FITness. I’ll always have a special place in my heart for pole, but life has led me in another direction and I felt it was finally time to let go of the old and embrace the new.

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13 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    09 February 2018

    You will never look back on life and think, “I spent too much time with my kids”. Enjoy every precious moment, cuz they sure do grow up fast! Happy Friday loves! ☀️ . . . 📷 @nmcreations Beach shorts: @sugaappleswim #fatherandson #unconditionallove #playtime #beachdays #beachstyle #swimwear #swimtrunks #sugaappleswim #barbados #islandliving #paradise #beautiful #blueskies #happiness #makingmemories #gratefulheart #blessings

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  • Anynomous
    05 February 2018

    ~The smallest change in perspective can transform a life. What tiny attitude adjustment can you make that might turn your world around?~ Turning things upside down with my beautiful friend @jennzone 💕 Both wearing @aloyoga . . . #perspective #transformation #change #growth #yoga #dandasana #upsidedown #friendship #hallwayyoga #yogafun #aloyoga #happymonday

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  • Anynomous
    01 February 2018

    Hello February! ☀️ . . . #goodmorning #givethanks #acroyoga #partnerstretch #yogaoutside #facethesun #fitlife #beautiful #barbados #selenaskyfit

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  • Anynomous
    28 December 2017

    Christmastime fun in the sun🎄☀️ How’s everyone enjoying the holidays? They really do go by way too fast! Hope you’ve had a magical Christmas season and feeling pumped and ready to celebrate the new year! 🎉 Sending out loads of love and best wishes to all✨❤️ . . . #happyholidays #christmastime #2017 #acro #acroyoga #acrovinyasa #yoga #familyacro #fitfam #fitlife #funinthesun #islandliving #beautiful #barbados

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  • Anynomous
    11 December 2017

    It’s my fav time of year 😊🎄Filled with family, friends, traditions and good times. It’s also the time of year when a lot of us tend to over indulge, get less sleep, skip the gym and get thrown off track. But, it is totally possible to enjoy the holidays and not fall too far off course. Yes, it’ll take a bit of discipline but come January your body will thank you. Here’s some tips I find useful to stay balanced and finish the year strong 👊🏼 1. Plan ahead. It’s the holidays, we know what’s coming. Parties, food, drinks, more food, shopping days and a generally busy schedule. Being prepared is everything. Pack healthy snacks if you know you’ll be out so you aren’t tempted to grab unhealthy ones. Prep simple healthy meals for work and to have on hand so you aren’t tempted to hit the drive thru on busy days. Try to keep treats for the really special occasions or traditions and be mindful of alcohol intake, especially drinks loaded with unnecessary sugar. 2. Try to stick to your usual workout schedule as much as possible. This isn’t always easy, so I like to plan a few workouts that can be done when I’m short on time, after all, a 30 min workout is better than none at all, and plan a couple quick workouts you can do at home so you have no excuse not to get it in. 3. Have an accountability buddy. This can be so helpful! Buddy up with a friend on the same mission as you, and keep each other accountable. It’s easier to stay on track when we support each other’s goals. 4. Keep it real. We’re all human, we’re all gonna give in to temptation at some point. Don’t beat yourself up, let it go, remind yourself what your goals are and move forward. Balance is key. Depriving yourself all the time isn’t good either, just keep the bigger picture in mind and try to strike a balance between a little indulging and healthy choices. 5. Enjoy the holidays! When you have an action plan and feel prepared it allows you to spend less time stressing and more time enjoying all the festivities. Have fun, make memories with family and friends, embrace the spirit of giving and helping others, after all, that’s what the season is really all about. Happy holidays! 😊🎄

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  • Anynomous
    11 December 2017

    Shot by: Nomoore Creations Swimwear: Suga Apple Swimwear

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  • Anynomous
    09 December 2017

    ~Where focus goes, energy flows~ Tony Robbins Where is your focus? We are constantly surrounded by distractions that can shift our attention away from our goals. Check in with yourself, refocus and let that energy flow! 💫🙏🏼 . . . Leggings & top @aloyoga #inspirational #quotes #wisewords #acro #yoga #acroyoga #acrovinyasa #aloyoga #yogamom #partneryoga #shapes #backbend #handstand #energy #flow #love #mondaymood #fitness #fitlife #practiceandalliscoming

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  • Anynomous
    09 December 2017

    ~Your life is a sacred journey. It is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous challenges at every step along the way. You are on the path… exactly where you are meant to be right now… And from here, you can only go forward.~ Caroline Adams 🙌🏼 . . . #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #lifequotes #acro #acroyoga #acrovinyasa #yoga #yogamom #yogajourney #stretch #splits #upsidedown #inversion #fitness #fitlife #playtime #happyplace #love #gratefulheart #practiceandalliscoming

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  • Anynomous
    09 December 2017

    Thanks for the inspiration @whatsupbarbados 😁 Have a fabulous Friday loves✨ . . . My outfit: @aloyoga 👌🏼 #aloyoga #acro #yoga #yogamom #acroyoga #acrobalance #acrolove #counterbalance #partneryoga #shapes #play #fitness #fitlife #fitcouple #lifestyle #practiceandalliscoming #happyfriday

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  • Anynomous
    09 December 2017

    Just as we finished up our practice the clouds turned pink and lit up the sky. 💕 . . . Leggings: @flexilexi_fitness #makingshapes #acro #yoga #acroyoga #acrovinyasa #acroart #yogajourney #practice #balance #love #sunset #clouds #pink #beautiful #naturelover #getoutside #play #happyfriday

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  • Anynomous
    09 December 2017

    ~Balance is not something you find, it's something you create~ ✨ . . . #inspirationalquotes #inspiration #quotes #acro #acroyoga #acrovinyasa #yoga #yogamom #practiceandalliscoming #balance #trust #inversionjunkie #fitlife #playtime #love #sunset #beautiful #barbados

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  • Anynomous
    09 December 2017

    We spent our Saturday roaming the island, playing, relaxing and having laughs with the family. It was such a lovely day! Our picnic lunch stop was Codrington College, and this door was just calling us, it made an awesome backdrop for some pics. 💕 . . . Leggings & top: @aloyoga #acro #yoga #acroyoga #acrovinyasa #aloyoga #inversionjunkie #balance #backbend #handstand #fitlife #playtime #door #contrast #love #barbados

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  • Anynomous
    08 December 2017

    You may have noticed that I’ve changed my name. I’ll always have a special place in my heart for pole, but life has led me in another direction and I felt it was finally time to let go of the old and embrace the new. Here’s a little throwback, hope everyone is having a fabulous Thursday! 🙃 . . . #tbt #acro #yoga #acroyoga #acrovinyasa #inversion #forearmbalance #armbalance #balance #strength #trust #connection #love #play #fitness #fitlife #getoutside #eveningsun #beautiful #barbados

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