We offer an array of rich, tantalizing flavours that permeate our moist,melting, addictive cakes. Novelty cakes handbags, cars, picture cakes,wedding cakes, samosas, pastries and much more!At Rycia's Cake Paradise: You dream it....... WE BAKE IT!!!!!" CONTACT US VIA OUR FACEBOOK PAGE OR EMAIL US AT: rycias.cakes@gmail.com or call (246)241-4083
Congrats to Deandra Enyap and Victoria Nicholls! You have won mini cakes! Please private message us! All other participants have received gift vouchers. Private message us for the details. Thanks for participating and thanks once again for your continued support. #ryciascakeparadise #youdreamitwebakeit
#Fbf to this castle themed cake. To order call/whatsapp 241-4083, email rycias.cakes@gmail.com or via our Facebook messages. #ryciascakeparadise #youdreamitwebakeit #cakesofbarbados #cakesofig #castlecake
Handbag cake for fashionista. To order call/whatsapp 241-4083, email rycias.cakes@gmail.com or via our Facebook messages. #ryciascakeparadise #youdreamitwebakeit #handbagcake #cakesofbarbados #cakesofig #cakeart
Put your hair in the air! Live in colour! Poppy from Trolls. To order call/whatsapp 241-4083, email rycias.cakes@gmail.com or via our Facebook messages. #ryciascakeparadise #youdreamitwebakeit #poppytrolls #trollsbirthdayparty #trollscake #cakesofbarbados #cakesofig #fondantcake #buttercream
Blaze the monster machine cupcakes! To order call/whatsapp 241-4083, email rycias.cakes@gmail.com or via our Facebook messages. #ryciascakeparadise #youdreamitwebakeit #blazethemonstermachine #cakeart #buttercream #fondantcupcakes #cakesofig #cakesofbarbados
Celebrate 9 years with us and win cakes and other treats! 1.Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to be eligible. 2.Tag 3 friends under our promo poster. 3. Repost our promo poster using our hashtag #ryciascakeparadise
Celebrate 9 years with us and win cakes and other treats! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to be eligible. Tag 3 friends under our promo poster. Repost our promo poster using our hashtag #ryciascakeparadise
Celebrate 9 year’s with us and win cakes and other treats! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to be eligible. Tag 3 friends under our promo poster. Repost our promo poster using our hashtag #ryciascakeparadise
Today we are blessed to celebrate 9 years as a registered business!! Watch this space! Giveaways all weekend! Tag a friend!#youdreamitwebakeit #ryciascakeparadise #barbados #blessedbusiness
Dad the superhero! #mcm #ryciascakeparadise #youdreamitwebakeit #superdadcake #supermancake #superherocake #cakesofbarbados #cakeart
Black Forest gateau with exotic fruits!😍#ryciascakeparadise #youdreamitwebakeit #blackforestcake #freshfruitgateau #dripcake #buttercream #chocolateganache
Assorted father’s day cupcakes.Flavours: orange, coconut, baileys, mudslide, hazelnut, caramel, double chocolate chip, pina colada, chocolate and vanilla. #cakesofbarbados #ryciascakeparadise #youdreamitwebakeit #fondantcupcakes #buttercream #fatherdaycupcakes #fathersdaycake
Vanilla cheesecake with black cherry topping, chocolate shavings and coconut treats. 🥥 😍😉 #cheesecake #blackcherrysauce #cakesofbarbados #buttercream #tropical
Black Forest gateau with fresh fruits, chocolate truffles, macarons and chocolate art. To order call/whatsapp 241-4083 / email : rycias.cakes@gmail.com or message us via our Facebook page!
#buttercreamtextures #macarons #cakesofbarbados #dripcake #freshfruitgateau #ryciascakeparadise #youdreamitwebakeit
Black Forest gateau with fresh fruits, chocolate truffles and chocolate art. #buttercreamtextures #cakesofbarbados #dripcake #freshfruitgateau #ryciascakeparadise #youdreamitwebakeit
Treat dad for Father's day!
To order call/whatsapp 241-4083.
Orders must be placed by Thursday June 14th.