This is the Facebook Page of Quinn Weekes: a researcher, data driven blogger and travel & food junkie. He is a firm believer in multiperspective living and loves to educate, learn and most importantly listen.
Check out the best time to fly to Barbados, Jamaica Saint Lucia or Trinidad & Tobago based on 95,000 flights observed this month scheduled for December 2017, from over 20 places!
In Barbados you can expect prices per night to range from $25USD to $10,000USD via Airbnb. Got WiFi? 95% of listings do!.. How to save money when booking via Airbnb in Barbados? Check it out!
Light intensity is frequently used to measure population densities and urbanization and sometimes used to measure economic activity. The Caribbean is no exception, preliminary statistics show great promise of using it to improve both Macro and Micro activity analysis. In fact, an upcoming research paper that I will be working on with Dr. Lorde digs a little deeper. We explore what else it can be used for, including tourism activity.
Well guys this is a project I have been working on for the last few weeks. Its a website with the purpose of sharing knowledge with the use of data in interesting ways. Posts will range from economics and finance to anything with data that I can get my hands on lol. Feedback and suggestions are welcomed and would be truly appreciated!!!