It's here again, our annual Valentines Cake Sale. Come out and support our fund raising event. Volunteers needed. All interested persons kindly private message me. Thanks for all your support!
Follow us and we'll help you, help yourself.
MSA has adopt the Barbados Haemophilia Association. Come and support this unique event. Let us walk together on October 15, 6:00am from Speightown Esplanade to create awareness and exposure of BHA!
The MSA continues its registration process Tuesday 20th September from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in the Division of Commerce in COM102. Membership forms and subscription fees of $10 will be collected during this time. Official members will be notified about volunteer opportunities. See you there!
New Executive Committee 2016-2017
MSA Executive Committee Members of 2015-2016
Official Launch
2015-2016 Executive Committee of the Marketing Students Assoiciation