Theatre Company
Congrats Dy BrowneKeep up the great work.
Dy Browne as guest on The Boiler Room
Due to circumstances beyond our control The King will not reign on stage at Barbados Museum. Stay tuned for new dates and venue. Thanks to the people who came out.
So nice we had to do it twice.Come Hail THE KING#dykingdyal #dominiquestheatrelounge
The King shall returnwe will keep you posted as to place and date
Photos from the Friday night performance of "The King"
In 20 hours come hail THE KING
In four days come one and all and witness the greatest king of them all, we KingTHE KING. Fridah, Satdee and Sunduh @ The Barbados' Museum8pm.Adults $50, Students $25. Tickets available @ and at The MuseumIn the new superior venue, a superior play about a superior individual. Adapted for the stage, directed and starring Dy Browne#dykingdyal #whatdoyouanswerto #dominiquestheatrelounge
T-8 days.. #TheKingIsComing #WhatDoYouAnswerTo
The countdown continues
Here Comes The King #dykingdyal #dominiquestheatrelounge #whatdoyouanswerto