Hello All,
We just launched our new website, just letting you know that you can now ORDER ONLINE at www.budsfruitandveg.com for CURBSIDE PICKUP and HOME DELIVERY or you can order directly on this Facebook page via our "Shop Now Button" below.
Fresh produce and great prices always at Bud's. 🙌
Congratulations to all the winners of our Second Anniversary prize giveaway. To everyone else thank you for participating!!!! 🎆🎇🎉🎊🎈🎀
Chicken wings available! $6.00/lb 🐔🐔🐔
We are celebrating our 2nd Anniversary!!! Come celebrate with us and win amazing prizes. Info below 🎆🎇🎉🎊
New Produce Alert!!! Green and Purple Cabbages @ $3/lb Sales on all month!!
Good Morning!! New Cantelopes and Melons in store today!! ❤🍉🍊 *Sweet like Sugar*
Happy Holidays to All!!!
Now at Bud's: Turkey Wings Available
New images from the store #Good #Quality #Good #Prices
Always fresh, new produce at Buds Fruit and Veg #BuyLocal #LocalFarming We always have Great Deals on local #Vegetables #Fruits and #DryGoods
Good Specials on, come down to Bud's Fruit and Veg - Chicken Wings on Sale Weekly.
A look at Bud's Fruit & Veg. Come in Monday-Saturday and get your fresh produce. Also in store lamb, chicken, turkey and beef, along with a variety of dry goods.