Barbados Association of Endometriosis & P.C.O.S. is a company, located at Christ Church, Barbados. Visit their website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Registered Non-Profit organization No. 1285MISSION STATEMENTThe Barbados Association of Endometriosis and P.C.O.S. endeavours to :"bring relevant and effective awareness of Endometriosis, P.C.O.S. and similar debilitating pelvic disorders to the Barbadian population that encourages discourse with and tangible support for those who have these conditions". (BAEP Mission Statement, 2016)OBJECTIVES• To increase awareness of Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and other similar gynecological disorders (excluding cancer) in Barbados• To provide a voice and advocacy for those diagnosed and living with Endometriosis and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome• To provide a forum for research and collaboration between all major stakeholders• To promote the importance of early diagnosis and effective, relevant treatment options• To provide psychological, emotional and financial support to persons living with Endometriosis and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome to the best of our ability and within our resource constraints.
Tags : #NonprofitOrganizationManagement, #EndometriosisPcosAdvocacy, #CommunityHealthEducation, #WomensHealth, #HealthEvents
Location :
Christ Church
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020