Thank you for your custom and we look forward to being of service to you in 2017 upon our return from London U.K. Please inbox us for any information. Thank you
Thank you all very much for your custom and we hope your businesses flourish. If you would like to kept up to date on our next SALE EVENT please inbox us your business email address. Thanks again.
We are open Friday 23rd September from 6pm-10-pm. This will be the FINAL DAY OF OUR END OF SEASON SALE. Many thanks for your custom thus far.
MASSIVE CLEARANCE SALE FOR 7 DAYS ONLY (SALE Ends this Friday at 10.00pm) due to limited stock. We OPEN from 6pm. New and used items. First come, first served. Cash only. When you come in there is so much more and great bargains to be had. Call 258-3146 No time wasters/ Cash only. Professional area Barbados Beach Therapies Grants House Ameys Alley Bay Street (Next door to the Barbados Police Boys and girls club)
All items are SOLD AS SEEN. Used items may or may not have all components but are in good working order and can be tested before you purchase.
Diamond Microdermabrasion machine