
Our little shop in Midway Point has now closed. You can find us at the Hobart Showground Markets in Glenorchy, behind the big Bunnings, every Sunday 8 - 2

Tags : #ShoppingRetail, #Shopping&Retail

Location :
Howard road, Glenorchy, Tasmania 7010
Contacts :

Opening Hours

  • Monday -
  • Tuesday -
  • Wednesday -
  • Thursday -
  • Friday -
  • Saturday -
  • Sunday 08:00 - 14:00


Rummage - to search unsystematically and untidily through something.

Our little shop opened in Novemeber 2015. A dream come true, we've loved every minute of it.

Our aim is to bring recycled, renewed and reloved goods to our local community. We're passionate about reducing the amount of items that end up at the tip, good items that still have life left in them.

We love engaging with our rummagers and welcome everyone to come for a rummage and see what goodies you might discover!