
Farm animal sanctuary in Freshwater Creek, Victoria, Australia
- A refuge for animals in need since 2006

Tags : #Community, #AnimalShelter

Location :
450 Willowite Road, Freshwater Creek, Victoria 3126
Contacts :


Donations can be made via direct credt:
AWA Credit o-op BSB 803 136
Account Name: Pete Crosbie
Account number 82509
All donations are truly appreciated and will only go directly to animal feed or vet costs - unless a specific fundraising project is held.

Willowite Animal Sanctuary is a private sanctuary based in Freshwater Creek, and was founded in 2006. Now home to over 120 furry residents and 50 feathered residents, Willowite is a haven for sick, injured and abandoned farm animals as well as domestic animals.
All of Willowite Animal Sanctuary photographs are free for personal use, we simply ask you credit Willowite or Pete Crosbie with the photo in order to allow people to contact us should they wish to learn more. No commercial use without prior consent please.