The Presbyterian Ladies' College, is an independent, day and boarding school predominantly for girls, situated in Peppermint Grove, a western suburb of Perth, Western Australia. [read more]
St George's Cathedral is the principal Anglican church in the city of Perth, Western Australia and the mother-church of the Anglican Diocese of Perth. [read more]
We are an informal group of Christian staff and postgrads, who meet weekly to encourage one another through prayer and discussion. . [read more]
Coolgardie ChurchWest is a place to belong just as you are. . [read more]
De Sint-Pauluskerk of Kerk van Poulsker is een romaans kerkgebouw in het kerkdorp Poulsker bij Nexø op het Deense eiland Bornholm. BeschrijvingDe Pauluskerk is de jongste van de romaanse kerken.. [read more]
Kolbe Catholic College is a Roman Catholic secondary college situated in Rockingham, Western Australia, within the Archdiocese of Perth. The college was founded in 1989 by Brother Pat Carey, of.. [read more]
The official Facebook page for Clarkson Seventh-day Adventist Church, Perth Western Australia. Sat, 10:55am Church Service Sat, 9:30am Bible Study. [read more]
Hillside Mens aims to bring about "Transformation to Men in Jesus name". [read more]
This is the official facebook page of the St John Paul II Banksia Grove Catholic Parish. Parish Priest: Rev Fr Vinh Dong Presbytery: 79 Joseph Banks Blvd Banksia Grove WA 6031 Tel: 6400.. [read more]
Christians gathered unto the name of the Lord Jesus Christ at Victoria Park, Western Australia. . [read more]
Pingelly Harvest Community Church is a church, located at 19 Parade street, Pingelly, Western Australia 6308. They can be contacted via phone at 0428 972 968 for more detailed information. [read more]
St John the Evangelist Church in Albany is the oldest consecrated church in WA. We have been worshipping God and serving the people of Albany since 1848. [read more]
Official Page - SCBC Football. [read more]
Building Star Generation. [read more]
Keep up to date with the latest news from current students, alumni and faculty from John XXIII College in Claremont. . [read more]
聖母無原罪主教座堂(Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary)是天主教珀斯总教区的主教座堂,位于澳大利亚西澳大利亚州珀斯维多利亚大道的北端,维多利亚广场的中心。该堂的兴建经过三个阶段,第一阶段完成于1865年。2006年教堂关闭,2009年12月重新开放。参考文献引用来源书籍参见 天主教珀斯总教区. [read more]
A Filipino Born Again Christian Church. “Loving God Loving People”. [read more]
Kościół w Østerlars – kościół we wsi Østerlars leżącej 5 km na południe od Gudhjem na wyspie Bornholm. Jest to największa i najstarsza z rotund na wyspie. [read more]
Die Østerlars Kirche ist eine im romanischen Stil bebaute Rundkirche in Østerlars, einem Ortsteil von Gudhjem, auf der dänischen Insel Bornholm. Sie ist die größte von insgesamt vier.. [read more]
Basilica of St Patrick is a Roman Catholic church located on Adelaide Street in Fremantle, Western Australia. It is one of five churches in Australia with minor basilica status. [read more]
Архиепархия Перта — архиепархия Римско-Католической церкви с центром в городе Перт, Австралия. В митрополию Перта входят епархии Брума, Банбери, Джералдтона. [read more]
We are a vibrant, Pentecostal fellowship It is our privilege to encourage you to connect, commit and participate with us in our weekly worship service and activities throughout the week. [read more]
Join us - once or weekly - for Scripture Reading and Reflection, Prayer of Liberation and Intercession, Praise and Worship, concluding with Fellowship. [read more]
Surfside Church Christian Outreach Centre is a church, located at 34 Station Rd Unit 3, Margaret River, Western Australia 6285. They can be contacted via phone at +61897555434 for more.. [read more]
Notre Dame Bible Fellowship is a group of Notre Dame University students who meet together on the Freo Campus to read the Bible and proclaim Jesus. . [read more]
The vision of VLIBTC is to train and equip men and women to reach their full potential in Christ; in life, the workplace and ministry to take this city, nation and world for Jesus RTO.. [read more]
Covenant Bible-Presbyterian Church is a church, located at 47 Davis Road, Attadale, Western Australia 6156. They can be contacted via phone at +61 8 6114 4242 for more detailed information. [read more]
St Brendan's by the Sea is the Anglican Church serving the local communities of Warnbro, Safety Bay, Waikiki, Port Kennedy & Baldivis. Everyone is welcome. [read more]
A large, contemporary, bible-based, spirit-led church with at it’s heart a passion to know Christ and make Him known. . [read more]
Our aim is to equip and empower women to make a difference in their world by knowing who they are in Christ. A Victory woman is a woman of purpose, prayer and born for such a time as this. [read more]
Great Catholic Parish located in the heart of the Western Beaches of Perth. . [read more]
This site is dedicated to the upliftment of all believers in Christ and to introduce the right way of worshipping God in truth and spirit through the right doctrine. [read more]
Australian Christian living author and counsellor. Writer of Shining Gift of God - A Memoir of the Life of Nathanael Marcus (2018) and Grow In GOD (2011). [read more]
We are a Christian congregation who meet together every Saturday (Sabbath) morning. Bible study at 9. 30am; Church service 11. 00am. . [read more]
church with love of GOD and Jesus led by GOD holy ghost. [read more]