Palabra. ilustrada es un proyecto de ilustración de la enseñanza de la Palabra de Dios con el propósito de contribuir en la comunicación y enseñanza del evangelio a toda persona con.. [read more]
Una página para las personas interesadas en conocer más a Jesucristo en Pachacamac. [read more]
***Atención Virtual***. [read more]
2nd week of School Holidays, Bentley Baptist Church, 9 Chapman Rd in Bentley. A fun programme for school kids - year 1 - 7. Come 1 day or 5. . [read more]
A prophetic ministry calling people back to repentance and proclaiming the righteousness of GOD. . [read more]
Hi and welcome. I hope you enjoy this page, or come and check us for a Sunday morning service. Typical starting times are B-9:30am, and K-11am. . [read more]
Giving Scriptural, historical and reasoned evidence for specifically Catholic teachings. . [read more]
The official Facebook page of the Avon Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church of Western Australia. . [read more]
St. Ninian und St. Chad ist eine römisch-katholische Kirche des Anglican Use in Maylands, einem Vorort von Perth, Western Australia. Die kleine Saalkirche aus der zweiten Hälfte des 20. [read more]
救世軍珀斯華人教會使命宣言 † 帮助华人认识真神得着新生命 † 栽培信徒成为基督的门徒 † 建立属灵的教会 † 服务社会传扬主爱. [read more]
Vision Community Global Ministries is a church, located at 47 Pineroo Terrace, Ellenbrook, Western Australia, 6069. [read more]
a place for religious humanistic philosophy. [read more]
Pertenecemos a la Iglesia Alianza Cristiana y Misionera de SJL-Lima Perú. Por encargo del actual Pastor titular Roberto Ulises Valdivia Avalos, nos dedicamos a predicar de Cristo a Preadolescentes. [read more]
Mathew 5:16 ~ Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Sundays 10am - 11. [read more]
A community of 18 - 30 y/o apart of Mount Hawthorn Baptist Church. Online services held every Sunday at 10am on the website as well as weekly online connect groups and online events. [read more]
mainly music is a fun music program for children aged 0-4 years. Happening every Friday morning from 10am during the school term, we have a 30 minute session of singing, dancing and rhymes.. [read more]
Grupo de Colaboradores. [read more]
Somos una Iglesia evangélica de las Asambleas de Dios del Perú, a través de esta pagina puedes ser parte de nuestros programas online, y permitir que Dios obre en tu vida. [read more]
The Catholic Youth Apostolate is affiliated with both the Society and Union of Catholic Apostolate. Apostolate refers to the Church as “sent” into the world. [read more]
MOZAIC stands for Mt. Zion Aussie Indigenous Church Sunday Service: 3. 00pm - 5. 30pm. [read more]
Stake Presidency Messages from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Regularly updated each month for major events and activities. . [read more]
We are a congregation of different ages, races and cultural backgrounds who come together to get to know and worship God and experience the liberty He has given to us through the death.. [read more]
www. centralchurchmidland. org. au - Ascension Church Midland, St Thomas' Church High Wycombe, & Gidgegannup Community Church. . [read more]
We believe that there is no better way of living life than the way of Jesus. Nobody changes lives in this world the way Jesus Christ does. The way of Jesus is forgiveness, acceptance,.. [read more]
Karen Baptist Community Church ( Western Australia, Perth) is a Family of Faith that is committed to Bible teaching and joyful worship. . [read more]
Acts 2:42 All the believers devoted themselves to the Apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to sharing meals and to prayer. . [read more]
Neuma Church Perth is launching in early 2021. Life groups now meeting weekly. Web: https://perth. neuma. church Insta: @neuma. perth. [read more]
The Parish Renewal Implementation Group (PRIG) has the responsibility for implementing the vision, strategies and actions for Strengthening and Revitalising Parishes, one of the seven Key.. [read more]
Nations Kids is the children's department of Nations Church. We have new content out every week online. Khmer children's services online can be found at our Nations Church Phnom Penh.. [read more]
El Monasterio Redentorista en el norte de Perth, Australia Occidental, Australia es una iglesia católica construida en 1903 por la Orden Redentorista. [read more]
Cathedral Rocks är klippor i Australien. De ligger i delstaten Western Australia, i den västra delen av landet, km väster om huvudstaden Canberra. Cathedral Rocks ligger meter över havet. [read more]
We are a group of Christians called and appointed by our King Jesus to reach nations. Our vision is to see millions of people come to Jesus Christ and receive eternal life. [read more]
St Helena of the Holy Cross Parish in Ellenbrook. [read more]
2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV) if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will.. [read more]
The Salvation Army Bunbury Corps is a church, located at Bussell Hwy & Timperly Rd, Bunbury, Western Australia 6230. They can be contacted via phone at +61897915200 for more detailed information. [read more]
“Our mission is to reach out the needy, to be inclusive of all cultural and ethnic people of all ages. Hospitality, Stewardship, Creative Liturgy with uplifting music is our special focus. [read more]