

Tags : #ToyStore, #HobbyStore

Location :
40 Mitchell Street, Bendigo, Victoria VIC 3550

Opening Hours

  • Monday -
  • Tuesday -
  • Wednesday 10:30 - 17:30
  • Thursday -
  • Friday -
  • Saturday 10:00 - 17:30
  • Sunday 10:00 - 16:30


Manager: Dave Miller

18 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    17 October 2023

    Hi all, Unfortunately, Warhammer Bendigo will be closed today. Normal services will resume tomorrow.

    Apologies for any inconvenience

  • Anynomous
    16 October 2023

    It's Thursday, and we already battles underway! In fact we're on to our second match of Killteam for the day.

    Why not drop in and join us? Our Age of Sigmar table is ready, the Warhammer 40,000 table is likewise ready and waiting along side our hobby table! The Killteam table is already awash in glory and carnage with Space Wolves and Genestealer Cults.....not unlike a certain boxed game *coughtoothandclawcough* out this weekend!

  • Anynomous
    15 October 2023

    Warhammer Bendigo will be closing at 5 pm today.

    Apologies for any inconvenience

  • Anynomous
    15 October 2023

    The Direct orders are here!

    Seb O. Tim B.


    You both have orders ready for pick up from today

    Jason K. Matthew B.

    Your pre-orders can be picked up this Saturday :D

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  • Anynomous
    15 October 2023

    With Killteam really starting to heat up around the shop I've decided to explore different types of Kill Teams. Our campaign is coming up next month and Warhammer Bendigo is representing the Imperials, so I thought I'd have a look at different Imperial Kill Teams.

    Here I present you with a work in progress for Kill Team Isskar. I think I might have to look at a Catachan Killteam next with the new Deathworld Forest Kill Zone going up for pre-order this weekend! What killteam are you working on? What excites you most about Killteam?

    New to Killteam? Fear not! Drop in and I'll be happy to go over anything you'd like to know :D -Dave

  • Anynomous
    12 October 2023

    Good morning Hobbyland! It's a brisk Sunday morning but our heater is keeping things nice and toasty :D

    Yesterday saw some great Killteam action! We had stealth suited Tau jumping around, Thousands Son's with their NASTY sorcery, and my Space Wolves in the middle of it all. Sundays are made for all things new. If you haven't checked out Killteam yet this is a great chance to see what's going on and give it a go yourself.

    As always, we have our Introductory Workshops available for those that want to see what the Games Workshop hobby is all about so why not bring in a mate and share your awesome hobby with someone else?

  • Anynomous
    11 October 2023

    Now that it's Saturday we've got loads of hobby going on! In fact we have 1 copy of KillTeam on the shelf! If you are after this very popular box drop in quick to snap it up!

  • Anynomous
    11 October 2023

    The Wolves of winter are coming!

    Today we see the pre-orders for the Space Wolves Codex and dice as well as Tooth and Claw! This new campaign box marks the next chapter in the story line for Warhammer 40,000 and sees the Space Wolves pit against the insidious forces of the Genestealer Cults!

    So drop in for your pre-orders and bring your forces along for a day of battle worthy of a saga! My Space Wolf Killteam craves action!



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  • Anynomous
    10 October 2023

    Armies on Parade is a global celebration of your Warhammer Miniatures collections, held in every Warhammer and Games Workshop store across the world. This is your chance to paint an army to the best of your ability, and show it off for the world to see.

    Everyone is invited to enter their army and vote for their favorite entry in-store. If you're not entering this year worry not! EVERYONE that drops into the shop on Parade Day gets to cast their vote!

    The rules are simple: Yo...u paint up a collection of Citadel miniatures and bring them into the store during the above period to show them off. You’ll have up to a 2’x2′ area to work with. We expect a lot of people will pick a themed army based around a force they might also want to use in games, but you don’t have to. Your theme can be anything from “The 2nd Company of Ultramarines during the final battles of the War for Damnos” to “Every Hero of the Mortal Realms” or anything in between.

    We have the following awards for both Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000:

    Best Scenic Board Young Bloods (under 15) First Army Monsters and Machines Best Themed Army Best Painted

    The top 3 entries with the highest over all votes will also receive the coveted Gold, Silver, and Bronze Armies on Parade medallions!

    Entries need to be in store no later than 12 pm on Saturday October 13th as voting will run from 12 pm to 4 pm that day.

    Good Luck and happy Hobbying!

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  • Anynomous
    09 October 2023

    While Killteam is raging in the 41st Millennium, the Stormcast are going through a training exercise with the Kharadron Overlords. Drop in and check out the action.

  • Anynomous
    09 October 2023

    The Alfa Legion is now defending from an invading force of Necrons! Who will win? Drop in and find out!

  • Anynomous
    09 October 2023

    Killteam news: My Space Wolf Reiver COMBAT SPECIALIST was taken out in combat by a Necron warrior! Beware those murder bots people! Next match starts now....lets see if I can get some revenge...... Drop in and take part or simply check out how Killteam works :D

  • Anynomous
    09 October 2023

    It's Thursday! I can't wait to get some more Killteam games going tonight! It'll be a great opportunity to pop in and check out how the game plays if you've never seen it before as well as bringing in your own killteam and throwing down.

    Remember that we're here until 9pm tonight for all your hobby needs.

  • Anynomous
    08 October 2023

    Armies on Parade 2018 is GO! This year we are running a single parade day with multiple categories:

    Join us on Saturday October 13th for Parade Day for your chance to pick up the best position for the following in Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar (remember that you can only have one entry so choose to your strengths):

    Best Scenic Board... Young Bloods (Under 15) First Army Monsters and Machines Best Themed Entry Best Painted

    I can't wait to see this years entries! -Dave

    See More

  • Anynomous
    08 October 2023

    The order is in and we are now stocked up for your hobby needs! Here is our remaining stock of Age of Sigmar Champion cards! (2 boxes of boosters have already been picked up!)

    Please be aware that due to an error in communications that the prices for these have changed: Campaign boxes are $25 each and Booster packs are $7 a piece. This means that boxes of Boosters are $168.


  • Anynomous
    08 October 2023

    Direct orders are now in for pick up!

    Daniel T and Rhys R


    You both have orders ready and waiting for you here in the shop :D


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  • Anynomous
    08 October 2023

    I'm back from holidays and can't wait to get stuck in here at the shop! A HUGE and mighty Thank You to Joel for stepping in and helping everyone out over these last two weeks!

    I return with Killteam Winter Fang for my Space Wolves! Killteam has taken Warhammer Bendigo by storm it seems! The Winter Fangs have had their blooding and crave more action so drop in and we'll throw down!

    With the announcement of Codex Space Wolves going up for pre order this weekend I couldn't hel...p but start a few more characters for my army! Here's a work in progress shot of a Primaris Captain in Gravis armor and a Primaris Lieutenant.

    I can't wait to see what everyone else has been working on! Share your photos here or drop in and show off :D


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  • Anynomous
    08 October 2023

    Styling and sophistication... Elegance in motion...



    The wait is almost over....Orktober is coming, stay tuned here for more details.

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