Circuitul Marelui Premiu Melbourne este un circuit stradal ce înconjoară Lacul Albert Park, ajungând la numai câțiva kilometri sud de centrul orașului Melbourne. [read more]
Disney on Ice - Magical Ice Rod Laver Arena is a stadium, located at Melbourne, Victoria 3004. They can be contacted via phone at +61 3 9286 1600 for more detailed information. [read more]
We specialise teaching babies and beginners in our modern, purpose built, private facility. We aim to create the perfect environment for learn to swim. [read more]
Red Cliffs Cricket Association's Facebook page will keep players up to date with all scores, events and a common link between all clubs. . [read more]
Victorian Masters Athletics, Aberfeldie Venue for athletes 30 and over. [read more]
フレミントン競馬場は、オーストラリアヴィクトリア州メルボルン郊外・マリビルノン川沿いの平地に位置する競馬場である。所有・運営はヴィクトリアレーシングクラブ。メルボルンカップをはじめとした大競走が集中しており、オセアニア競馬の中でも最大級の規模を誇っている。概要1840年3月に開設された競馬場で、開設当時はポートフィリップターフクラブ、その後リース契約でヴィクトリアターフクラブが運営を行っていた。同組織は後にヴィクトリアジョッキークラブと統合、1864年にヴィクトリアレーシングクラブ(VRC)となる。初期はリースの形態を取っていたが、現在では法令に基づいてVRCが正式な管理団体となっている。名実ともにオセアニア競馬界最大の競馬場で、多くの大競走を抱えている。1855年創設のヴィクトリアダービー、1861年創設のメルボルンカップなどの伝統ある競走は特に人気があり、2006年のヴィクトリアダービー・デイには約129,000人もの観客が押し寄せている。コース「セイヨウナシ」とも形容される円錐状のコース形態をしており、1周は芝コース2,312メートル。ヴィクトリアダービーをはじめとして、ほとんどの競走をこのコースで行う。また、1,200メートルの直線コースも備えており、6ハロンであることに因んで"The Straight Six"という呼び名を持っている。メルボルンカップなどの3,200メートル戦や、1,200メートル以下の短距離戦はここから発走する。設備敷地内に大規模な駐車場のほか、メルボルンの都心部から通る鉄道駅(フレミントンレースコース駅)が設置されている。1988年の改装時に、スタンドの北側にファーラップの銅像が設置されている。ファーラップはメルボルンカップなどフレミントン競馬場で多くの勝利を重ねており、場内の施設やVRCの催しに度々その名前が使われている。また、2000年に再び大改装を行い、12万人を収容できる観客席を設けている。. [read more]
Corryong Skatepark. [read more]
Bicycle Users Groups or BUGS are poping up everywhere, this group is to allow those in the South Gippsland Shire to connect with each other and share the experience of their rides. [read more]
Ballarat North Bowling Club is a stadium, located at 402 Gregory Street, Ballarat North 3350. They can be contacted via phone at (03) 5331 7091 for more detailed information. [read more]
Functional, High Intensity training movements that are natural for the body. This is achieved with a Professional Coach empowering you to be your best. [read more]
Train hard play hard. Great gym, great court. . . Everything you need to get a decent workout. . [read more]
Melbourne Premium Sports Tours will take sports lovers (or anyone) on tours of Melbourne's world famous sports stadiums and arenas in style. . [read more]
Palm Springs RC Action Track is the premier off-road radio control track on the Mornington Peninsula but is currently a private track used for practice in the small town of Tyabb, Victoria. [read more]
Devon Meadows Football Netball Club - Official Facebook Page. [read more]
Cheerleading page for MGA Cheetas. [read more]
Please visit the official Casey Comets Facebook page for news and updates: http://www. facebook. com/CaseyComets. [read more]
Springvale South Cricket Club is a stadium, located at 61 Harold Rd, Springvale South, Victoria 3172. They can be contacted via phone at +61395460566 for more detailed information. [read more]
Boutique harness racing stable based at the Cranbourne Harness Training Centre, Cranbourne, Victoria. [read more]
Eventing , Dressage, Jumping Private Barn. [read more]
Friendly Dog lovers who gather together to walk and socialise. [read more]
this page is about all the news scores and updates to do with the Churchill tennis club in victoria. [read more]
Stony Creek Rodeo has been held in January at the Stony Creek Racecourse. Look out for more details on this site. . [read more]
The Unit Sas Fitness is a stadium, located at 5 pilgrim crt, Ringwood, Victoria 3134. They can be contacted via phone at 0403011555 for more detailed information. [read more]
St Rochs Tennis Club is a small sporting club serving the parish, school and general community in Glen Iris. It exists to promote social interaction through sports for community members of all.. [read more]
Phone: 03 5981 2833 Fax: 03 5982 0540 Email: golf@rosebudpark. com. au Elizabeth Drv, Rosebud VIC 3939 Melways 170 K5. [read more]
Ring Of Fire Indoor Skatepark is a stadium, located at 234 Ballarat Rd, Braybrook, Victoria 3019. They can be contacted via phone at +61393178222 for more detailed information. [read more]
Alfred Street, Seymour 3660, Wheelchair Accessible, Tuesday + Thursday - 3-7pm Saturday - 3-6p, $3 per Session. [read more]
The Holden Centre is a sports administration and training facility located in the Melbourne Sports and Entertainment Precinct in Melbourne, Australia. [read more]
Ballarat Sebastopol BMX Club, a division of the Ballarat Sebastopol Cycling Club. [read more]
• upcoming events • function room for hire eg; 21st, engagements, weddings, barefoot bowls, reunions, funerals, christmas breakups, etc. . [read more]
Grassports Australia sports surface construction and maintenance Australia wide. [read more]
Email: timboonbasketball@hotmail. com. [read more]
Barnawartha Netball Club is a local football/netball club affiliated with the Tallangatta & District Football Netball League. . [read more]
Diamond Valley Sports Centre is a stadium, located at Civic Drive, Greensborough, Victoria 3088. [read more]
Ross Straw Field is a stadium, located at Parkville, Victoria 3052. [read more]
Kouta FitClubs - FREE Fitness Sessions. . . . . . . [read more]