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Maggie Moo Music - Robertson is located at 45 Barrett St, Robertson, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 4109. They can be contacted via phone at 0451722770, visit their website www.maggiemoomusic.com.au for more detailed information.

Originates from UK, Maggie Moo Music provides educational and interactive musical sessions to children below years of age.

Tags : #BabyGoodsKidsGoods, #ArtsEntertainment, #ChildCareService, #BabyGoods/kidsGoods, #Arts&Entertainment

Location :
45 Barrett St, Robertson, Brisbane, Queensland 4109
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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Hi! Welcome to Maggie Moo Music (Robertson), the first Moo Music in Brisbane. We specialise in delivering interactive and educational music sessions for babies and children before 5 years old.

Music helps to develop communication and language skills, social skills, imagination and creative as well as physical development; balance and coordination. Alongside all the above you are able to enjoy some special time bonding with your baby exploring lights, sounds, scents, touch and enabling your little ones to explore safely with their mouth.

The benefits of music for babies are scientifically proven-every area of the brain is stimulating when babies engage in moosical activities

Most of our amazing Moo sessions are conducted at our shed in Robertson (45 Barrett St, QLD 4109). We took great effort in converting our shed into a child friendly air conditioning environment with vibrant decoration, padded wall and entry safety gate. We use only natural cleaning agent to clean our shed, toys and props so you can be assured there is minimal toxic in the environment.

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