
We help businesses navigate their way into the cloud easily and assist with infrastructure choices, procurement and ongoing operation, and PaaS and SaaS.

Tags : #ComputerCompany

Location :
Suite 5, 5 Tully Road, East Perth, Western Australia 6004


At Layer 8 Connect we can help businesses navigate their way into the cloud via strategic advice and the formulation of a digital road map, assist with infrastructure choices, procurement and ongoing operation, and provide global Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (Saas) set up and operation for those wishing to use the cloud to access markets easily, quickly and cost-effectively.

We bring together a diverse group of experienced IT, Cloud, business, communications and marketing professionals with the qualifications, credentials and commitment to ensure that every client gets the cloud they need, and will serve them well far into the future.

Layer 8 Connect is a global partner of Cisco and Telstra.