
Location :
2975 North West Coastal Highway, Howatharra, Western Australia 6532

19 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    30 October 2023

    Spring has sprung at Goodies Eco Camp and it is CUTE!!! Obviously this baby chick's dad was a Willie Wag Tail, by the looks of it, but who cares?! ;) Chicken love xxxxxxxxxx

  • Anynomous
    30 October 2023

    Ocean colours in this part of the world got us all like 😍 Goodies Eco Camp is the perfect place to stay while you get your fill of awesome local scenery and ocean gorgeousness. :) Can't wait to see you here!

  • Anynomous
    27 October 2023

    Wildflower season + sunny days = Awesome road trip. :) Goodies Eco Camp makes the perfect place to set up your base camp while you explore the stunning midwest and hunt for those flower carpets. Can't wait to see you on your adventures. :)

  • Anynomous
    24 October 2023

    Goodies Eco Camp is dog friendly. There's heaps of space, walk trails, close to the beach and even a footy oval to throw the ball for your canine side kick. Can't wait to see you at Goodies. :)

  • Anynomous
    23 October 2023

    Not long now . . . Can't wait to see you at Goodies Eco Camp this wind season. :)

  • Anynomous
    23 October 2023

    Kiting and Windsurfing season is really close now and the wind is already displaying some of those sweet summer sea-breeze patterns. Best of all, the reviews really don't lie - Goodies Eco Camp is the place to stay for your kiting and windsurfing break. Can't wait to see you here and out on the water! :)

  • Anynomous
    22 October 2023

    Follow the signs all the way to Goodies Eco Camp. Can't wait to see you here! :)

  • Anynomous
    21 October 2023

    The weather's warming up at and that means the local reptile population is starting to get way more active. Keep an eye out for these guys on the roads so you can avoid hitting them and most of all, please remember to drive safely. :) Can't wait to see you at Goodies Eco Camp.

  • Anynomous
    18 October 2023

    BIG NEWS COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!! Keep your eyes peeeeeeeeeeeeled :) :) :) (Can you tell we're excited?!)

  • Anynomous
    17 October 2023

    It's a touchy subject among some, some would rather not talk about it, but we all do it. Poos. Goodies Eco Camp is equiped with state of the art composting toilets. No pong, no flush and best of all, they leave a far lighter footprint than traditional septics. You could camp in the bush with a hole in the ground, or you could stay at Goodies Eco Camp, and poo in style and comfort. What are you waiting for? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ ;)

  • Anynomous
    17 October 2023

    The magic days just don't stop at Goodies Eco Camp!! :) PS. There is some big (like HUGE!!!!!!!) news on the way at Goodies. Keep your eyes open because it's going to knock your socks off!!! Can't wait to tell you guys soon!!!!!! :) :) :)

  • Anynomous
    08 October 2023

    Don’t forget that Goodies Eco Camp has jumped with a mighty splash into the age of modern technology and has now got eftpos available for your convenience. 😊

  • Anynomous
    07 October 2023

    The facebook crew from Goodies Eco Camp went on a bit of a Wildflower Tour on the weekend out through Chapman Valley, Yuna, Mullewa, Pindar, then down to Mingenew and back. The trip took less than a day before back to camp - there was even time for a sweet little afternoon surf!

    We didn't go off the sealed roads and yet still saw masses of amazing wildflowers so if you'd rather not wobble along on the gravel roads you still won't be disappointed. Fuel is available in Nabawa ...(Chapman Valley) and Mullewa, as well as Mingenew. The old Pindar Pub (no longer a pub) is open for coffee and cake until mid- October and is a gorgeous old building well worth the drive all on it's own and the Mingenew Bakery is a must stop for the best pie and cake I've ever tasted!! While you're there visit their Tourist Information Centre - they go all out for Wildflower season and are just lovely.

    Although we did the tour in less than a day, I'd really recommend making it into two separate drives and breaking them up by heading back to Goodies to camp in between. The trip to Pindar and the hunt for Wreath flowers is worthy of a day to really see and appreciate the countryside out there and the same goes for Mingenew and the Coalseam and Depot Hill.

    The upshot? Get yourselves to Goodies Eco Camp for hot showers, awesome facilities and a great base to set forth and conquer Wildflower Country yourself this bumper season. . . . What are you waiting for? :)

    PS. If you are planning to go out on the gravel roads, just check with the local authorities first to make sure they're open - all this rain brings wildflowers, but it also brings road closures and we'd hate for you to go all the way just to be disappointed. Cheers. :)

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  • Anynomous
    02 October 2023

    Can't believe it's AUGUST already!!! The wildflower season has kicked off with an amazing start, thanks to all this rain, and there's been just enough sunshine between showers to still make the most of the beach. If you're on the road chasing your own adventures, stop in and check out Goodies Eco Camp - it's an awesome place to stop for a night or two . . . . or more ;)

  • Anynomous
    26 September 2023

    Check it out. :) www.goodiesecocamp.com

  • Anynomous
    25 September 2023

    The Midwest is on track for an amazing wildflower season; and if you're heading from anywhere from Coalseam to the Kalbarri National Park, to Pindar for the wreath flowers or just sticking to the coast, Goodies Eco Camp makes the perfect base camp or stop over on your wildflower hunt. Can't wait to see you! πŸŒ»πŸŒΊπŸŒΈπŸ’πŸŒ·πŸŒΌ

  • Anynomous
    25 September 2023

    Did you know that Goodie is also a draftsman? If you're in the midwest and you need some building work done, head over to www.ecobd.net and check out his portfolio. :)

  • Anynomous
    25 September 2023

    And it's official folks - the wildflowers are on their way!! Goodies Eco Camp makes the perfect base camp for all your midwest wildflower expeditions. :) It's going to be a bumper season so get planning now. :)

  • Anynomous
    14 September 2023

    Rough seas and angry skies in this part of the world today. Stay safe if you're on the road, and don't forget, Goodies Eco Camp is an affordable and comfortable place to pull off and take shelter if you need to until the weather calms down a bit. :)