
Elise Harrington Mediation , Psychotherapy & Counselling Centre

55 Queen Street, Moruya 2537, Moruya, New South Wales 2537


Is life getting you down?

Are you find it difficult to cope?

Sometimes it's difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Therapy can help.

Tags : #MentalHealthService

Location :
55 Queen Street, Moruya 2537, Moruya, New South Wales 2537


Counselling will help you to make sense of your life.
Help you unlock the answers that are already within you
Help you begin the healing process.
It’s about getting your life back and respecting yourself in the process.
Counselling and psychotherapy will help you to find yourself again, learn more about the things that make you happy, enhance the strengths that you already have, build stronger relationships and learn how to make decisions that are clear and sit well with you. The journey of self-discovery begins by taking action to change your life. By doing nothing, nothing will happen but by taking the next step slowly your life will change.
Are you ready to take the next step? If you are ready to change your life, contact me.
About me
I provide a quality, caring, and safe environment for clients to share their experiences. The community is also important to me, I work as a volunteer for the Canberra recovery centre and am rewarded every day by the people I meet there. I am a local in the bay and look forward to meeting you in the future.
B.A. of counselling.
Member of CAPA (counselling and psychotherapy association of Australia)
Volunteer – Salvation Army Canberra Recovery Centre (Canberra alcohol & drug counselling).
If you don’t happen to live in the Eurobodalla shire, but would still like to work together, skype and phone counselling are great options
counselling & psychotherapy
What is therapy?
Therapy can be described a s a personal journey, each client has different needs and therapy is tailored to each individual client. Perhaps you are feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders and want to make sense of your life; perhaps you are going through a painful separation and want to feel whole again, there are many reasons why people seek help.
Relationship breakdown
Family breakdown
Drug and alcohol addiction

Counselling / psychotherapy what is it?
Counselling and psychotherapy uses a holistic approach, including your mind, body, spirituality, emotions, relationships, family dynamics and behaviours.
• Counselling is often short-term therapy that focuses on one issue where a variety of counselling modalities are often used.

• Psychotherapy, psycho- therapy works on several levels often at a much deeper level. It explores all facets of your life helping you to find the common links, patterns and behaviours; with the aim of helping you to find the answers you are searching for.
Why go to family counselling?
Relationship issues can arise at different times in our lives. Relationships are not always easy. Most relationships will experience moments of stress and doubt, this does not mean the end of your relationship, but may be an early warning sign that you need help. Family counselling can help couples negotiate the challenges they are experiencing and separated couples ways of dealing with the separation and respecting and valuing family relationships.

What’s the point of counselling if you don’t want to get back together?
Family Counselling can help with the many changes that take place when a relationship breaks down. It can help both parents make decisions about parenting and focus on their children’s best interests.
Family counselling can help couples come to terms with the changes that happen when a relationship breaks down. It can help parents make decisions about arrangements for their children and how they will share parenting after separation. The Family Law Act encourages parents to reach an agreement over their children rather than going to court.