
Car Supermarket - Your Choice for Everything Cars!
We Buy. We Advertise. We Sell for You!

Tags : #Website, #MotorVehicleCompany, #CarDealership

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Just like any supermarket, Car Supermarket uses a unique system to tap into a ready-made national network of instant car buyers and sellers. Carsupermarket.com.au is the best way to buy a new vehicle because of our national network, local knowledge and buying power.

When you get online at carsupermarket.com.au not only is there a ready stream of buyers and sellers available but there's also a team of expert brokers available who will visit your home or workplace to do everything that is necessary to market your vehicle on the web.
"We'll provide a broker to do it all for you online or you can choose to do it yourself - it's that easy".

As if all that wasn't enough, carsupermarket.com.au is the only website in Australia to offer a guaranteed buyer for any private vehicle within 48 hours of it being listed**.
There's even a Referral Program where you can earn an endless stream of fuel cards, and when members tell their friends they can make money and save money.

Car Supermarket.
Your Choice for Everything Cars.

What can we do for you?
- Find vehicles for you to buy
- Handle all of your internet advertising and buyer inquiries
- Take a trade-in on a vehicle
- Offer finance and warranties
- Even pay out your existing loan to the finance company
- Guaranteed buyer for any private vehicle within 48 hours**
- First in Australia to offer the "$500 First Car Buyers Grant*

* To qualify for the first-car-buyers grant of $500 you must apply to Carsupermarket.com.au with your name, address and date of birth at least three months before the purchase of your new or second hand vehicle and abide by our terms and conditions. ** Subject to inspection.