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AWG Australia Pty Ltd is a store, located at 1490-1498 Ferntree Gully Rd, Melbourne, Victoria 3180, Australia. Visit their website www.awgaustralia.com.au, Facebook, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Awg Australia is the most advanced joinery and retail display manufacturing facility in Australia.Built on a reputation for excellence and innovation as a shopfitting company awg has been providing a suite of retail clients unparalleled levels of service since 1981. In 2011 the decision was made to transition the business from its traditional shopfitting model and focus on our core capability – Volume Joinery Manufacturing. Those who use our service will value the benefits associated with local manufacturing and see the opportunity in utilising our state of the art facility to provide their clients with the highest quality joinery. As a specialist joinery manufacturer servicing several industries our intent is to leverage the benefits we gain from the volumes manufactured to develop the most compelling proposition for joinery and retail displays manufactured anywhere in Australia.Our business model of service to the trade will extend into our sister business cabinetXpress.com which has been developed to provide cabinet makers and kitchen designers with a fully assembled, ecommerce based kitchen joinery solution.  Lean manufacturing is a culture at awg and we embrace this philosophy to foster an atmosphere of continuous improvement and learning.We do not install, awg is about – Volume Joinery Manufacturing.

Tags : #Construction, #JoineryManufacturing, #RetailStoreFurniture, #CustomJoinery, #RetailCommercialJoineryManufacturer

Location :
1490-1498 Ferntree Gully Rd, Melbourne, Victoria 3180
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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