Australian College of Christianity is a university, located at 2 Randwick Road, Lynehamn Capital Territory, 2602. They can be contacted via phone at +61 402 140 905 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hancock Library West Wing is a university, located at Hancock Library West Wing, Biology Place, Canberra 2601. [read more]
ANU Law Library is a university, located at ANU Law Library, Fellows Road, Canberra 2601. [read more]
JB Chifley Building is a university, located at JB Chifley Building, Denis Winston Walk, Canberra 2601. [read more]
R. G. Menzies Library is a university, located at R. G. Menzies Library, McDonald Place, Canberra 2601. [read more]
Recyclery ANU Bike Co-Op is a university, located at Recyclery ANU Bike Co-Op, Lawson Crescent, Canberra 2601. [read more]
ANU Preschool & Childcare Centre is a university, located at ANU Preschool & Childcare Centre, Lawson Crescent, Canberra 2601. [read more]
Jim Andriopoulos is a university, located at 223 Antill Street, Watson, Canberran Capital Territory, 2602. They can be contacted via phone at +61 2 6209 1100 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Corps of Staff Cadets Mess Royal Military College Duntroon is a university, located at Robert Campbell Road, Campbelln Capital Territory, 2612. [read more]
Australian LIterary Studies is a university, located at 14 Ellery Crescent, Actonn Capital Territory, 2601. [read more]
Australian Institute of Family Law Arbitrators & Mediators is a university, located at 19 Torrens Street, Braddonn Capital Territory, 2612. [read more]
Thank you Ruby and Sonia for supporting me all the way to achieved my target score. When I first came to Sonia, my first PTE attempted was very low and I felt frustrated but after 1. [read more]
Afp College is a university, located at 9 Brisbane Avenue, Bartonn Capital Territory, 2600. They can be contacted via phone at +61 2 6270 4811 for more detailed information. [read more]
Active Tuggeranong is a university, located at McBryde Crescent, Wanniassan Capital Territory, 2903. [read more]
CIT Fyshwick Campus is a university, located at Canberra Avenue, Fyshwickn Capital Territory, 2609. They can be contacted via phone at +61 2 6207 3800 for more detailed information. [read more]
概要1991年に設立された、世界で最も大規模な大学ネットワークLaureate.. [read more]
Photography & Media Arts offers students the chance to pursue media in a creative environment. Like the Photography and Media Arts page for current info. [read more]
University House at the Australian National University (ANU) is the oldest residential college in ANU. It opened in 1954 for the faculty, staff, and postgraduate students of ANU. [read more]
The Australian National University is a national research university located in Canberra, the capital of Australia. Its main campus in Acton encompasses seven teaching and research colleges,.. [read more]
Học viện Quốc phòng Úc, dịch đầy đủ là Học viện Lực lượng Quốc phòng Úc là một học viện quân sự tam quân chuyên cung cấp các chương trình đào.. [read more]
호주국립대학교는 오스트레일리아 수도 준주 캔버라에 위치해 있는 국립 대학교로서 1946년 8월 1일 오스트레일리아 의회의 입법으로 설립되었다. 약칭은 ANU이다. 기원은 1946년 연방정부가 연방의회의 법령에 따라 대학원의 연구와 학문 강화를 위하여 설립한 호주 유일의 연구대학으로 시작되었다. [read more]
The ANU Badminton Club is a social sports club which hosts regular sessions on Saturdays (2pm-5pm) for members to meet up and play. . [read more]
The official page of the University of Canberra International. We welcome students from over 120 countries and graduates are consistently ranked among Australia’s most employable by The.. [read more]
The University of Canberra is a public university in Bruce, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. The campus is within walking distance of Westfield Belconnen, and 8. [read more]
The University of Canberra is a public university that is located in Bruce, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. UC offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses covering six main learning.. [read more]
A major national research survey into wellbeing and distress within the LGBTQI+ communities during periods of public discourse about their rights was launched June 1 2020 focusing on the impacts.. [read more]
3A Institute - Autonom | Agency | Assurance 3Ai was created to enable the safe, ethical and effective design, integration, management and regulation of cyber-physical systems. [read more]
Alfred Deakin High is a university, located at Denison Street, Canberran Capital Territory 2600. They can be contacted via phone at (02) 62055566 for more detailed information. [read more]
الجامعة الوطنية الاسترالية هي جامعة بحثية عامة تقع في مدينة كانبيرا عاصمة أستراليا. ويقع الحرم الجامعي الرئيسي في اكتون ويحتوي على سبع كليات للتعليم والبحوث العلمية. [read more]
澳洲國立大學(The Australian.. [read more]
Canberra Üniversitesi kısa olarak UC olarak da söylenir, Avustralya'nın başkenti Canberra'da bulunan devlet üniversitesidir. Üniversite 1990 yılında kurulmuş olup 850 akademik personeli ve yaklaşık 9. [read more]
Are you creative and adventurous with a special interest in architecture? Our course encourages you to explore the world of design within the setting of Australia's national capital –.. [read more]
堪培拉大学(University.. [read more]
The official Facebook page of the Ursula Hall Residents' Committee. Rules of Operation: https://drive. google. com/open?id=0B37oCs_Nn4QHM2RzZkpvN1V6NlU Feedback form (checked periodically.. [read more]
Official Facebook page for the Australian National University's First-Year Experience (FYE) program. . [read more]
Unity College Australia is a fully accredited vocational tertiary college approved for International Students. RTO 6330 CRICOS 02160A. [read more]