Khandu Couriers, located at 28 Lyell Strett, Fyshwickn Capital Territory 2609. They can be contacted via phone at 02 62392606 for more detailed information. [read more]
LongLife Fitness is a group fitness studio offering a wide range of classes for all fitness levels. . [read more]
Fun, cute and colourful. Based in Canberra and is a natural light photographer specialising in newborns, cakesmash, matenity, children, families and pinup. [read more]
Professional Dental Services. [read more]
オーストラリア連邦議会(オーストラリアれんぽうぎかい、)は、オーストラリアの立法府である。概要両院制で、大部分はウェストミンスター・システムをモデルにしているが、多少アメリカ合衆国議会の影響も受けている。オーストラリア憲法第1条によると、イギリス国王、元老院、代議院の3つの要素で構成されている。国王の代理は、通常オーストラリアの総督が務める。下院である代議院は、現在150人で構成され、小選挙区から1名ずつ選出される。員数は固定されていないが、定期的に行われる選挙で得票を再分配するので変化することがある。上院である元老院は、76人で構成され、各州から12名、各準州から2名選出される。元老院議員は単記移譲式投票の一種を使って選ばれる。両院の議場は、にそれぞれ設けられている。歴史第1回連邦議会は、1901年5月9日にメルボルンの王立展示館で開会された。メルボルンで大勢を収容できる十分な広さをもつ建物は、王立展示館だけだった。 その後、1901年から1927年まで、ビクトリア州議会から借りたで開かれる。1927年5月9日、議会は新首都であるキャンベラに移り、現在ではと呼ばれる場所で開催された。一時的に使用するはずの建物だったが、実際は60年以上の間、議会として使用された。現在常設のキャンベラ議事堂は、1988年5月9日に開かれた。 構成憲法第1条の下、オーストラリア国王(イギリス国王)は議会の一要素である。国王の国事行為はオーストラリア総督に委任され、総督はオーストラリア首相の助言に基づいて、国王が任命する。他のさまざまな役割は、憲法及び法律により総督に委譲される。しかし、慣習により、首相及びその他の大臣の助言がなければ、総督はこれらの権力を通常行使しない。. [read more]
First Class Tree Care offers professional excellence in modern Arboricultural operations in Canberra and surrounding regions. . [read more]
Providing quality Air Conditioner and Heating installation, we are partnered with Australias top brands including Fujitsu, Brivis, Panasonic & Lennox. [read more]
We are passionate about creating and implementing compelling and authentic, values-based marketing strategies for transformational businesses*. *Business that change people’s lives and make.. [read more]
I specialise and pride myself in servicing and assisting people, not postcodes, and operate with honesty, integrity and transparency. Canberra, Australia. [read more]
At Canberra's Hen's and Buck's Party we treat each party unique and will tailor a package to your needs and work with our contacts to get you the best deal. [read more]
Canberrastudentaccommodation is a lodging, located at Cnr Federal Hwy & Old Well Station Rd, Canberran Capital Territory 2911. They can be contacted via phone at +611300367454 for more.. [read more]
Ausdance ACT's 2017 Youth Dance Fest - RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW. will be held at the Canberra Theatre on the 20-22 September. Get your tickets now!. [read more]
Non-for-profit organisation established to promote connections between Australian and Serbian culture through events and initiatives that are focused around literacy, bilingualism and shared.. [read more]
Beer, Wine, Spirits, Drinks, Snacks, and more. . . . delivered to your door. All Canberra suburbs. . [read more]
Blossom offer premium property staging and interior styling services to the Canberra region. Our services are tailored to preparing homes for sale, assisting with colour and material selections.. [read more]
FIGURE IT IN is a weekly sketch club featuring nude and clothed models. Every Monday at 6pm we welcome professional artists, art students, fashion students and all interested in drawing the nude.. [read more]
Adi Jaba is a South Pacific Islander clothing brand suited for women. It brings about both Polynesian and Melanesian cultures into our clothing. . [read more]
Flip Coffee is located in Kingswim Macgregor. Our goal is help you relax and recharge. . [read more]
AKIBA is a bar & restaurant for the people, focusing on Australia's position in the Asia Pacific. . [read more]
Dancing for beginners to professional level in Ballet, Lyrical, Hip Hop, Cheerleading, Tumbling, Jazz, Tap, Contemporary and Musical Theatre. . [read more]
Cambridge Weight Plan provides flexible weight loss programs with one-on-one support to guide you to a healthier lifestyle. . [read more]
We are a local initiative looking to connect volunteer dog owners with members of the community who would like to have a walk and a talk with a side of puppy love. [read more]
Complete Lock and Safe Servicer is a locksmith, located at 51 Kembla St, Fyshwickn Capital Territory. They can be contacted via phone at 0262806611 for more detailed information. [read more]
Oporto, Grilled Chicken and Burgers. [read more]
Oporto Portuguese-style chicken offers fresh not frozen, grilled not fried chicken and chicken burgers that are deliciously irresistible. . [read more]
Avustralya Parlamentosu Avustralya hükümeti ve meclisinin yasama ve yürütme hizmetlerini gerçekleştirdiği binadır. Çift meclisli bir yapıya sahip olup Birleşik Krallık'ın yönetim.. [read more]
‘Mingle' is a Suburban Land Agency initiative that builds vibrant communities through activities, programs, family events, and community groups. [read more]
Kunama Nyamudy is the indigenous name for Mt Kosiosco. Dual naming of the mountain is a subject to be peacefully discussed and considered. . [read more]
Fine napery, linens, French fashions and gifts. [read more]
Archikatedra św. Krzysztofa w Canberze (ang. Saint Christopher's Cathedral in Canberra) – jest położona w Canberze w dzielnicy Manuka, przy Commonwealth Avenue. [read more]
Fully qualified beauty therapist, eyelash technician, lash lift, spray tanning and cosmetic tattoo salon. . [read more]
A social enterprise providing eWaste recycling, IT decommissioning and buyback services while at the same time helping individuals from a disadvantaged background through a holistic.. [read more]
Welcome to Boss Elite Allstars. A new cheer gym located in the ACT with some of Australia's most experienced coaches, catering to the children and teenagers. [read more]
Best place iin town. . [read more]
Please also join Canberra Fire Twirlers' Group here; http://www. facebook. com/#!/group. php?gid=165535498376&ref=ts. [read more]
Helping parents teach their little one's the skills and strategies to get to sleep and stay asleep at night and nap time. . [read more]