
A B I D E is founded with the purpose of providing a safe hub for the creative arts - dancing, singing, visual media etc - to nurture an artistic expression that celebrates purity, strength, and dignity (Prov 31:25 inspired) through original projects and choreography. Our inspiration to start this initiative came from personal experiences of how harsh and dark the performing arts scene can be. It can be an extremely lonely and painful journey, coupled with great scrutiny and unhealthy competition. As we further witness the struggles of many other successful artists in the entertainment industry - especially over the several suicides that have happened in South Korea - our heart greatly aches for the many talented yet broken-hearted individuals. Amidst all the confusion, darkness, and pain of what the world throws at us, we believe that there is a hope - the hope in our Lord Jesus Christ who came on earth 2000 years ago to be our Personal Lord and Savior to save us from the wrath of the world and our sins. We may not always comprehend the tribulations that we go through in this world, but one thing we do know, that our Heavenly Father who has created us to be on this earth loves us far more than we can ever imagine. As we receive the hope of our salvation in Jesus Christ, we can rest assure in His unfailing and unconditional love to make everything beautiful in His time (Eccles 3:11).A B I D E aspires to start as a special dance school to eventually fund an orphanage program in Africa, providing young kids and underprivileged teens an opportunity to explore & develop their artistic gifts creatively.Dance, music, and art is a beautiful gift of expression from God, and we believe in protecting this gift for the right purpose ♡

Tags : #PerformingArts, #MusicTherapy, #Piano, #CreativeArts, #Ballet

Location :
474 Neerim Rd, Melbourne, Victoria 3163
Social media :
