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Filmclub Bruck/Leitha is a movie theater, located at Schmerlinggasse 4-6 (Hof), 2460 Bruck an der Leitha. They can be contacted via phone at 0660 5576462 for more detailed information.

Verein zur Förderung cineastischer Interessen in und um Bruck an der Leitha - Filmevents - Themenabende - Genrefestivals - Workshops - Börsen und Flohmärkte - Kinderfilmnachmittage - 360° of film - von Art House bis Zombie

Location :
Schmerlinggasse 4-6 (Hof), 2460 Bruck an der Leitha
Contacts :

Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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