WorkShop für Ihr UnternehmenIhr Vorteil ist unser Erfolg - Ihr Vorteil ist, wenn Sie möglichst zeitsparend, möglichst kostengünstig und möglichst zielsicher perfekt passende Mitarbeiter.. [read more]
WSH Felbertal is a company, located at 11 Werkschulheimstraße, Ebenau, Salzburg 5323. They can be contacted via phone at +43 6221 72810 for more detailed information. [read more]
With more than 4,800 employees, WALTER GROUP is one of Austria's most successful private companies. The main business activities of WALTER GROUP include: processing full truck loads (FTL) all.. [read more]
WGKK is an insurance company based out of Austria. . [read more]
Bereits seit dem Jahre 1789 ist der Hof im Besitz der Familie Strasser und betreibt Landwirtschaft, Viehzucht und Weinbau in den verschiedenen Generationen. [read more]
WWS Wasserkraft is a premium supplier for small hydropower turbines with a power output up to 10 MW per unit, focusing on "water-to-wire" turnkey projects. [read more]
Wir sind eine junge Internet Agentur mit Hauptsitz in Graz. WebErfolg eine Internet Agentur aus Graz betreut Unternehmen in ganz Europa und entwickelt maßgeschneiderte business-.. [read more]
Walter Werkzeuge Salzburg GmbH is a retail company based out of 13 Dreizehnmorgenweg, Bonn, Germany. . [read more]
Westech Solar e. U. is a company, located at Wienersdorfer Straße 20-24/M37, 2514 Traiskirchen (Wienersdorf). [read more]
Mit der Liebe zu unserer Tätigkeit, langjähriger Erfahrung in der Nutzung von interkulturellem Wissen und vor allem der stetigen Suche nach neuen Heilmethoden, bewahren wir unsere Tradition.. [read more]
we-inspire is a collaboration technology allowing team-members to sketch, brainstorm, present and interact with the content using a digital pen. . [read more]
At Waltzing, we create playful solutions for education in schools and companies. Our users learn faster, teach better and obtain more accurate test results through play. [read more]
AGENCYOur agency has set itself the goal of using gaming and everything that goes with it individually and purposefully for companies and private individuals. [read more]
Bringing professional Tourist Guides together since 1985, WFTGA encourages standards in tourist guiding around the world. We offer short courses in guiding skills, as an introduction as well.. [read more]
W24 bietet Stadtinformationen rund um die Uhr. Unter dem Motto „Wööd Fernsehen für eine Wööd-Stadt" präsentiert das Wiener Stadtfernsehen die großen und kleinen Geschichten Wiens. [read more]
Watt Drive, specialised in the development and manufacture of gear technology based in Markt Piesting/Austria, is part of the Brazilian WEG Group, one of the world's leading manufacturers of.. [read more]
Located right on crystal-clear lake Weissensee in Carinthia in an alpine valley at an elevation of 930 m is Bio-Vitalhotel Weissenseerhof ****s. Surrounded by mountain ranges, meadows, forests,.. [read more]
WWS HIMET Metallvertriebs-GmbH is a company, located at Hauslehen 147, 3342 Opponitz. [read more]
Weltweitwandern GmbH is a travel agency, located at Gaswerkstr. 99, 8020 Graz. [read more]
Wireless Internet Service Provider in Austria, Slovakia, Croatia, Switzerland and Germany. Access network is based on fixed and mobile WiMAX in licensed 3. [read more]
Our family winery has been one of the most exquisite wineries in Austria for 30 years and stands for the highest wine culture from the heart of central Burgenland. [read more]
Winkler Steinmetz GmbH & Co KG is a travel agency, located at Schwaz, Tyrol. [read more]
THE ULTIMATE ONE-STOP LANGUAGE SHOPNo matter whether you would like to improve your documentation, make all your documents and corporate information accessible to an international audience or.. [read more]
Software-Entwicklung auf professioneller BasisAls multinationaler Liferay Platinum Partner entwickeln wir interaktive Webseiten, Selbstbedienungsportale und B2B Commerce Lösungen. [read more]
international Kitesurfing / Kiteboarding platform for:Events, special Spotguide, Community. [read more]
Vienna institute for social science documentation and methodology. Wiener Institut für Sozialwissenschaftliche Dokumentation und Methodik. [read more]
WIENER PRIVATBANK SE is a Banking company located at Parkring 12, Vienna, Vienna, Austria. . [read more]
Die Wiener Lokalbahnen sind Betreiber der Badner Bahn, führen mehrere Buslinien im Großraum Wien-Baden und Züge auf externer Infrastruktur durch ganz Österreich. [read more]
webLyzard's award-winning Web intelligence platform supports strategic decisions of marketing and communication professionals. It analyzes big data repositories and real-time content streams.. [read more]
WisR is an online job matching platform that helps companies to hire senior people for online projects and part-time work. . [read more]
We are here to create and lead Austria's most impactful innovation ecosystem. This means we provide space for innovators, facilitate collaboration and empower people and organizations to.. [read more]
Winkelbauer GmbH is a company, located at Viertelfeistritz 64, 8184 Viertelfeistritz. [read more]
WS IMMO OG is a real estate agency, located at Wels, Upper Austria. [read more]
Wanted was founded in mid September 2021 by two young innovative teenagers looking to spice up the social life, especially after the covid pandemic. Our first product is an app that helps.. [read more]
Windkraft Simonsfeld AG operates 84 wind power plants in Austria and two in Bulgaria. The forecast annual production of approx. 525 million kilowatt hours make Windkraft Simonsfeld AG one of.. [read more]
win2day bietet Sportwetten und Österreichs einzig konzessioniertes Online-Glücksspiel an. Darum verstehen wir wie sonst keiner, was Siegen und Verlieren bedeutet. [read more]