Our Vision:
- To contribute meaningfully to the creation of an education system and learning climate which energise, empower and engage all its students;
- To access and embrace relevant knowledge and skills, that equip them to be a thriving, contributing citizen, through the guidance.
-To support nurturing, aware and child-centric educators, who themselves are supported by a strong system of educational leadership at every level.
Our Mission
To lobby/agitate for an education system that is fit-for-purpose, one that is dynamic and will adapt to suit the times, within a climate that is supportive and imparts to its students, a practiced system of how to access information and opportunities to enable lifetime learning, adaptation and success.
What should education accomplish in a democracy? How should a graduate of grade school relate to the society in which he or she is expected to participate? How is our present practice positively contributing to the intersections between education and society?
The engaged parent represents the interest of the child at every level of the formative education process. They are our children.The engaged parent represents the interest of the child at every level of the formative education process. They are our children.
How is the child designed to learn? Mindless exam taking ignores the disconnect and collateral emotional damage with which the child contends.How is the child designed to learn? Mindless exam taking ignores the disconnect and collateral emotional damage with which the child contends.
Solution 1: implement a slower pace philosophy and a ‘less is more’ approach to advantage our children.Solution 1: implement a slower pace philosophy and a ‘less is more’ approach to advantage our children.
The idea of child centered education starts way before the child enters the classroomThe idea of child centered education starts way before the child enters the classroom
Is there such a thing as ‘rote learning’ though?Is there such a thing as ‘rote learning’ though?
Let us remember to engage our children - not through frustrated preaching, but in a voice that encourages dialogue. #tonemattersLet us remember to engage our children - not through frustrated preaching, but in a voice that encourages dialogue. #tonematters
Self directed learning must be encouraged. #preparingforlife
The tenor of the political discourse depends largely on the functional education of the electorate. #whathappensinschooldoesnotstayinschool.The tenor of the political discourse depends largely on the functional education of the electorate. #whathappensinschooldoesnotstayinschool.
Assessing the environments within which the child must function is key. #accessisnotequity.Assessing the environments within which the child must function is key. #accessisnotequity.
Proper support systems keep children motivated in class. #keepgoalsachievable #everychildcountsProper support systems keep children motivated in class. #keepgoalsachievable #everychildcounts
Parents have you read to your children last night? Another opportunity is coming soon!Parents have you read to your children last night? Another opportunity is coming soon!
Children look forward to being read to. The time, the interaction and the attention is priceless. Invest it!Children look forward to being read to. The time, the interaction and the attention is priceless. Invest it!
What if anything can schools learn from the delivery of after school/extra class programs? Why has the ‘afternoon class’ grown in prominence for every type of student including 5 and 6 year olds?
How do you feel the increasing use of digital and mobile devices amongst young children impacts their literacy?How do you feel the increasing use of digital and mobile devices amongst young children impacts their literacy?
Parents and schools should revisit the child’s diet - not only for optimal learning but for optimal health and longevity. #ohbecarefullittlemouthwhatyoueat!Parents and schools should revisit the child’s diet - not only for optimal learning but for optimal health and longevity. #ohbecarefullittlemouthwhatyoueat!
Poverty receives institutional support in the form inadequate educational systems. (Newman, 2004)Poverty receives institutional support in the form inadequate educational systems. (Newman, 2004)
According to official sources 50% of Anguilla’s children aren’t reading at their chronological age. 50%! By any measure this is unacceptable and catastrophic. “With heart and soul [let’s] build a nation proud, strong and free.” Let’s Focus on Reading in 2019. Really Focus.
“According to UNICEF: a child-friendly school reflects a quality environment. A child-friendly school regards education as every child’s right and helps to monitor the rights and well-being of every child in the community. A child-friendly school acts in the interests of the ‘whole’ child, which includes his or her health, nutrition and overall well-being. A child-friendly school cares about what happens to children in their families and communities before they enter school and after they leave it.”
The purpose of schools in Anguilla should be toThe purpose of schools in Anguilla should be to
Merely teaching teachers in workshop settings will not automatically translate in advancing students. Why not consider having a small group of students (varying abilities) with which the teacher can practice / demonstrate best practice under the eye of workshop facilitators?
Anguilla Secondary Education Survey Report resultsbrought to you by FORCE Coming soon! Prepare to be a part of the discussion here!
Greetings FB community.
As an outgrowth of the publication Broken Chords by Lennox Vanterpool, and in response to the need for a conversation about education and its delivery in Anguilla, we are here. Team F.O.R.CE (Focus On Redesigning Children's Education) is intent on keeping the issue of a functional, democratic, user friendly education product at the forefront of the national conversation, where the child and nation are the beneficiaries.
All other stakeholders are meaningful facilitators who are involved in honest critique and transformational action.