Costume distribution will be tomorrow at Anguilla Tourist Board starting at 1pm.
Head on out to Tropical Distributors located in The Farrington and purchase your bottle of Mount Gay for a chance to be apart of our Beyond Extraordinary Experience🥳
You can’t afford to miss out‼️‼️
Come on out this Friday the 14th of June to Tropical Friday's at Tropical Distributors parking lot located in the Farrington.
All costumes will be on display, bring your family and friends to register for this Beyond Extraordinary Experience.
Come Fast, You cannot afford to not be there.
We will be on the strip tomorrow Friday 07th June and Saturday 08th June. Come on down and register for what is anticipated to be a Beyond Extraordinary Experience.
The Anguilla Tourist board is proud to be a Sponsor of West Fest 2019. In light of this West Fest Jouvay tickets will also be on sale.
Only a FEW SPOTS left in our Enchanted Section
SIGN UP ASAP‼️‼️ TAKE ADVANTAGE of our lupus discount this FRIDAY.
You cannot afford to miss out on this Beyond Extraordinary experience.🥳
Don’t forget to sign up for a Beyond Extraordinary experience. Visit our webpage for more information.
Troupe registration ends this Friday the 31st of May.
In honor of LUPUS Awareness Month, the ATB will be offering a 5% discount on all Enchanted costumes, as well as waiving the registration fee. This offer is ONLY on registrations on The remaining Friday's within the month of May.
Visit our office or webpage for more details.
Registration End May 31 2019, register today! #BeyondExtraordinary!
Happy Monday!!
We wish you a Beyond Extraordinary Week! Don't forget to visit, share and like our page for ATB-Beyond Extraordinary Troupe costumes and 2019 Anguilla Summer Festival information.
Featured Section: Hanami Backline Monikini Price: USD $300.00 Backline Bikini also available Price: USD $260.00 Model: Ieshlyn Hodge
Registration Ends May 31 2019. #BeyondExtraordinary #indulge
You asked and we listened!
Visitors and Residents can now purchase their costumes via credit card through our online page
Registration ends May 31 2019.
Be sure to look out for more cool updates coming soon, as we continue to create a Beyond Extraordinary experience for our revellers.
#Indulge #BeyondExtraordinary
Happy Friday Revelers!!
We will be launching something awesome today for all our revelers locally and internationally! be ready to begin a Beyond Extraordinary troupe experience and Indulge in what we have in store!
Featured costume section: Enchanted Model: Lisa Joseph Cost: USD$480 Registration ends 31 May 2019 #Beyondextraordinary
Get in your Section!
Thank you to all our revelers for your support - space is still available within the other sections of Spellbound, as well as Enchanted and Hanami.
Section spots are limited and the deadline date for registration is May 31st 2019.
Attention all revellers, carnival is calling!!! Register for a section today🙌🏽
Its Friday!! Cheers to the Weekend🥂
Stop on by our office and get your registration form for our Beyond Extraordinary Troupe. Carnival is calling, and we are inviting all visitors to join in the festivities for Anguilla Summer Festival 2019!
Section: Spellbound Register Today! #BeyondExtraordinary
Attention all revellers 🗣🗣 Please note that our costume numbers are limited and the registration deadline is May 31st 2019.Attention all revellers 🗣🗣 Please note that our costume numbers are limited and the registration deadline is May 31st 2019.
All costumes have more body upgrade options! You can register at the ATB office on Coronation Avenue Business hours are 8-5All costumes have more body upgrade options! You can register at the ATB office on Coronation Avenue Business hours are 8-5
Happy TBT! There’s no other way to top off this day than by wishing or model Leslie “The Weatherman” Joseph a Beyond Extraordinary birthday. Be sure to register for the Hanami section, and continue this birthday celebration on parade day🎊🎉
Registration Ends on May 31. #beyondextraordinary #celebratelife
Indulge — The Colour Therapy Treatment
Here in Rainbow City, nature is the spirit’s greatest desire, tuning the soul to find peace in its colorful vibrations.
As the morning dew meets the light of dawn, cascading hues dance above the placid ripple of gentle waves. It is here, beneath the buoyant skies that the essence of Rainbow City resides. Its colours are reflected in our people, our experiences, our flora, our fauna, our cuisine and our culture. To see the island’s beauty is to touch it, to taste it and to experience its every wonder.
In connecting with the many pillars of the Rainbow City experience, we illuminate spiritual renewal in three uniquely Anguillian encounters.
Registration closes on the 31st May 2019, Visit the ATB office on coronation avenue to register.
The Board of Directors & Staff of the Anguilla Tourist Board wish to congratulate the Destination Experience Division on the phenomenal production of the Beyond Extraordinary Troupe. The team captured the 1st Runner up position upon their first parade entry. Assistant Manager Destination Experience, @Jameel Rochester and Summer Intern, @kayla Hodge worked extremely hard to make the Beyond Extraordinary Troupe a success. We would also like to thank @Rolanda Webster and Roxanne Webster of the BAM family for partnering with us on this awesome experience.
Extra special thank you to all the revellers who before going on stage were already looking forward to 2019. Your energy and understanding were absolutely phenomenal. To our designer and producer Crystal and Manisha and all those who pitched in at the mas camp Tashana, Simonia, Tangera and all the others who worked tirelessly, we are grateful. Thank you to our sponsors Tropical Distributors, Appleton and Flow.
We would also like to thank the Infusion XL Band for partnering with us. They definitely enhanced our first parade experience.
Thank you to the staff at the ATB who sacrificed time and family to ensure that we were Beyond Extraordinary. 2018 was great and 2019 will be better.
Costume Distribution will begin at 7pm tonight at the Anguilla Tourist Board. #BeyondExtraordinary
On Saturday 28th July, Anguilla welcomed home our Miss Universe Great Britain with a reception that was fitting for her monumental achievement. We are Beyond Extraordinary‼️
Come on out this Friday‼️ Beyond Extraordinary Troupe alongside BAM Fantasy will be there and it will be BEYOND EXTRAORDINARY 🎊🔥
Calling all revelers! Tomorrow we will be at Flow Telecoms House parking lot displaying our magnificent costumes for the Grand Parade of Troupes 7 pm sharp BE THERE‼️
Calling all revelers!! Tomorrow we will be at Flow Telecoms House parking lot displaying our magnificent costumes for the Grand Parade of Troupes 7 pm sharp BE THERE‼️
We are Anguilla, British Caribbean, we are the Anguilla Tourist Board and we are Beyond Extraordinary!!!
New male selections at $175, enjoy the Anguilla experience, be beyond extraordinary!!! Register today!
Sunset: An astronomical phenomenon! The colors represent the timeless orange scattered across the sky, and, the luscious green of the historic sites of Crocus Hill, Anguilla’s highest peak as we rise Anguilla Strong. Complimentary feather upgrade option available. Register Today!!
Carnival at it’s best!!! Register for Northern Lights Frontline costume and receive our new feather upgrade. $375 offer ends on Wednesday!! #anguillasummerfestival2018 #beyondextraordinary
Now caption this! Beaches so beautiful with the background of an eclectic astronomy phenomenon of a sunset. Our beloved guests returning, by following the light of the Northern Star to the most northerly island in the Caribbean region. YES!!! We are Anguilla British Caribbean, we are Anguilla Strong, We are the Anguilla Tourist Board and we are Beyond Extraordinary.
Nothing but BEYOND EXTRAORDINARY.the feeling to be exuded by our masqueraders as we create our own carnival sunset on the streets of Anguilla for you.
Calling all Infusion XL Fans!!! Male Northern Lights and Sunset costumes for parade $175.00, Its T.I.M.E. to wuk!!! The road to Anguilla Summer Festival 2018, it will be Beyond Extrordinary!!!
As we have invited visitors from all of our markets to join with our neighbours and residents in this our 2018 Beyond Extraordinary Troupe at the Grand Parade. The ATB would like to share our Summer Festival Packages for accommodations and car rentals to all guests visiting the island between August 6th to 12th 2018. A special thank you is extended to all our partners who supports this initiative.
The Anguilla Tourist Board proudly presents “Beyond Extraordinary” Grand Parade of Troupes revelers alongside the 2017 Road March Champions Infusion XL. This is our first time on the Road and we are shouting out a big Thank You to everyone for supporting us. We have invited visitors from all of our markets to join with our neighbours and residents in this our 2018 Beyond Extraordinary Troupe at the Grand Parade. Excitement is rising and section spaces are now very limited. We want you to be a part of this excitement and be counted in our numbers. Visit our office at Coronation Avenue Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm to register or call us at 497-2759 for more information.