Good afternoon Mr. Prime Minister. I would like to say a few words about the imposed taxes on holiday rentals and airbnb taxes. I think it is a dis service to your citizens to levy such a high tax on those services at this time. The operators build and continually repair those units for the pleasure of the tourists to Antigua. They spend good money to get to Antigua and really really enjoy themselves. It feels like a tax to the more wealthy or indeed those that can afford to do so. It's an old fashioned political mistake as visitors come again and again to your fair shores and spent alot of money and promote the country abroad. Indeed many are not feeling its worth their while. If you would consider cutting that amount the community of renters would be very happy. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for Antiguans to cash in and make a good profit at what they are doing. Think of all the benefits it does to Antigua economy. should be encouraging and investing in grass roots economic expansion. I have many many ideas. The goat population is eating up grasses and foliage in Antigua. You could perhaps sponsor a Goat abbatoir for safe and inspected goat meat slaughter. Also there could be a huge goat cheese opportunity there in Antigua. Huge. Europeans love goat cheeses. They are delicious and nutritious. A local food stable for Antigua. I can think of many more industries Antiguans can benefit from. They need start up money from the govt. I am not sure an Antigua Republic is your best option. I grew up in an Antigua of the fifties and sixties where there was much input from Britian after WW2 leading up to Independance. There were alot of very informed British Civil servants preparing Antiguans for a successful takeover. We did entertain these people in our homes then. There were experts in land distribution and agriculture. I would like to see Antigua keep those affiliations going and not just drop all ties for political gains and acceptance in this new political arena of turning our backs on those who would help us in time of need. After all .we need as many friends as possible. We all do. Also .there is alot of opportunity in fisheries as well. These don't have to be grand exporting industries but valid self sufficient businesses that afford a better local standard of living that you can then tax. Look at the small villages say around Yorkshire England. The entire villages are supported by craft industries. It's really worth investment into. It's also good clean industry. Thank you.
Encouraging the public to come out and show your support.
Coronavirus update from the MoH
Press Statement from the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment.
The Minister of Health, Wellness and the Environment states categorically that the headline caption ran by the Observer Media house stating that there are two suspected cases of coronavirus, is FALSE.
Earlier today (January 31st 2020) in a Press Conference held at the Ministry, the Minister informed that there were two travelers who were placed under quarantine. These travelers are not suspected cases. These two individuals who recently travelled from China were quarantined as part of the current prevention protocols instituted to monitor all travelers arriving by air from China.
The actions of the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment is in keeping with standard infection prevention and control practice throughout the region of the Americas The Minister regrets this deliberate attempt to disseminate falsified information.
The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment therefore appeals to the nation to act responsibly and not to spread false information that can negatively impact all Antiguans and Barbudans in light of this recent serious health threat.
Antigua and Barbuda closing borders to travellers from China
St John’s, January 31… The Government of Antigua and Barbuda has decided to close its borders, effective immediately, to travellers from the People’s Republic of China. The decision has been taken in light of the declaration by the World Health Organization (WHO) that the fast-spreading coronavirus, which has infected more than 8,200 people across the world, is a global health emergency.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne noted that “a global health emergency is also defined by the WHO as a ‘public health emergency of international concern’ and as ‘an extraordinary event’ that is ‘serious.
“In this connection,” the Prime Minister said, “Antigua and Barbuda, as small-island communities, has to mitigate against any threat to health of its citizens and residents.”
At the same time, the Antigua and Barbuda leader joined the Emergency Committee of the WHO in praising the leadership and political commitment of the very highest levels of Chinese government, “for taking very strong measures and comprehensive multi-sectoral approaches to prevent further spread of the virus”.
“The concern shown by China for the rest of the world is highly commendable,” Prime Minister Browne said.
He concluded: “My Government will monitor developments related to the coronavirus and will continue to strengthen its capacity to respond to any eventuality related to this novel virus. “We also wish to assure the families of Antigua and Barbuda students, now in China, that we will remain in contact with them and take every possible step to ensure their well-being.” --end--
Notes from Cabinet: (pt5)The Cabinet applauded the Minister of Information for the performance of ABS-TV and Radio, noting that it was the most watched television station in the Eastern Caribbean—given its Facebook reach and the Worldwide Web. The ability to measure ABS’ reach is gleaned from the data supplied by the operators of the web page. ABS also scores highly on the credibility index by viewers in Antigua and Barbuda, primarily because of its balanced reporting of the news and the analysis which it offers regularly -Technicians have arrived to provide guidance in the finishing of the YASCO track, the Minister of Sports advised. The finishing of the track will shortly begin. Repaired bathrooms and improved seating are also planned.
Notes from Cabinet (pt4): The Cabinet also made a decision to purchase 100 or more greenhouses at wholesale prices and to sell a significant number of the same to as many as 70 farmers. The object is to enable the farmers to utilize the controlled space for food production under controlled conditions, in order to increase yield. -The Cabinet also agreed to assist farmers to develop small agro-processing plants, to enter free of duty and taxes.The Minister of Education reported on the repairs taking place at the St. Mary’s Secondary School (SMSS) and the sharing of the Jennings Secondary School plant with students from SMSS. It is hoped that the engineering/drainage work will be completed by the weekend so that students can return soon afterwards. More rain could imperil the progress. The sharing of space has been well executed. -The Minister also reported on the Agricultural Science programs at the SMSS and other schools; the programs are flourishing. The potential is enormous as more efforts are ploughed into expanding the schools’ production of meats (from chicken) and vegetable farming. The Cabinet agreed to provide additional funding to allow for greenhouses to be used by schools with the acreage capability.
Notes from Cabinet (pt3)- The Cabinet learned that a few vocal drivers have been complaining publicly about new speed bumps, placed strategically to slow automobile drivers where populations of pedestrians share the space with moving cars. The Cabinet is of the view that the speed bumps have achieved their objectives, and may have saved lives or limbs from those who disobey speed limits with disregard. In the City of St. John’s, the speed limit remains at 20 miles per hour; and, in rural districts, outside of villages, the speed limit does not exceed 40 mph. -The Cabinet agreed that national pride and civic mindedness are affected by abandoned properties that give streets and communities a disheveled and untidy look, and pose a security and a health threat to neighbours. The Cabinet is therefore formulating a plan to rid the urban communities and villages of abandoned properties that pose a health hazard and a security risk to neighbours. The Cabinet has asked the Attorney General to have draft legislation readied by March 2020 to be taken to Parliament. The legislation would allow the Inland Revenue Department to serve Notices of Property Tax Defaults on the last-known address of the owner of each identified property, and to threaten a forced sale to recover the outstanding tax liability. The Tax Default Notice will go out six times in a six-month period and will also be published in a newspaper, in order to give adequate notice. Owners who fail to respond will have their property auctioned, and new owners will be required to keep clean the property.
Notes from Cabinet (pt2): The Chairperson of Cabinet conducted a speaker-telephone interview with the Head of Sunwing—the owners/operators of the Royalton Resort and Spa. The broadcast chat centered on: The Halcyon Cove Resort, the plans for its expansion and refurbishment; and, the interview provided another opportunity to review the success of the Royalton Hotel. The Head of the Sunwing informed that repairs and refurbishment of the Halcyon is scheduled to commence in April 2020, and the hotel will be completed by December 2020, or after eight months’ work. The Royalton was more than 80% occupied during the Summer months and remains fully booked during the Winter Season. -The Prime Minister informed the Cabinet of his meeting held with the minority shareholders of the Jolly Beach Star Fish Resort, on Tuesday afternoon, January 28, 2020. The plan calls for a valuation of the debts owed to the various government entities and statutory bodies, the conversion of those debts into shareholder equity, and the transfer of those shares to the 100% owned National Asset Management Company (NAMCO). A Committee comprising the Solicitor General and representatives from each of the statutory bodies will reconcile Jolly Beach’s debts on their balance sheets. NAMCO will receive the shares by agreement, and the NAMCO will invest additional capital in the Jolly Beach to expand and refurbish the property. Architects from Sunwing will assist with the new-look Jolly Beach. The alternative is to allow the Jolly Beach to be liquidated.
Notes from Cabinet (pt1): The Chief Medical Officer was asked to address the Cabinet on the present and future plans for readiness by the state apparatus to combat harm to citizens and residents, should the Coronavirus somehow reached our islands’ shores. The experienced doctor pointed out that a Task Force was established which comprised representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Tourism, Immigration, Customs and Excise Authority, the Port Authority, the Airport Authority, Health and the Royal Police Force. The Task Force agreed on a number of measures should anyone entering Antigua and Barbuda is suspected of carrying the Coronavirus. Anyone suspected of carrying the virus would be quarantined, or asked to stay indoors for a two-week period, limiting contact with all others. The doctor continued to encourage handwashing frequently, to avoid both bacterial and viral infections; those who are sick are more at risk than those who are youthful and healthy. The doctor also indicated that special protective gear are to be provided to healthcare workers first, since they will be more at risk than any others. The country is in a state of readiness, and the hope is that there will be no need to trigger these systems. The Dengue threat is receding as more fogging takes place during the hours when the Aedis Aegypti mosquito flies in swarms, at dawn and at sunset. The frequency of fogging determines the scale of the reduction and the lowered probability of mosquito bites of humans.
Happening now. Ministry of Health Live Press Conference update on the Coronavirus.
Nationals Apply For Canadian Visas
A team from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Canada is in Antigua and Barbuda collecting biometric information from nationals who have made applications for visas to visit Canada. The Antigua and Barbuda Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who is facilitating the process, said more than 400 people will be processed between Monday and Thursday when the Canadians conclude their visit. The ministry noted that several people from neighbouring islands are also here in St John’s meeting with the Canadian team. A spokesman said the process has been going smoothly with each applicant taking an average of four minutes to complete. “Everything is being handled efficiently and professionally and so far, there have been no hiccups,” the spokesman noted. These individuals had made prior applications for visas and would have been provisionally approved before receiving instructions to provide their biometrics to the Canadian team. The spokesman said the information collected has to be forwarded to Immigration, Canada, for processing as that is the body that approves visas to enter Canada. Earlier this month, the Canadian government issued a released advising Antigua and Barbuda nationals not to travel to that country with their old and new passports. It said many people were traveling with the canceled passports that contained a previously issued Canadian visa, but that this practiced has been causing much delays at airports. It also advised that there was a process by which visas may be transferred to the new passports.
Please take note.
Please note: Salaries were sent to Bank of Nova Scotia, ACB, CUB and Royal Bank of Canada. Pensioners received payment yesterday, Wednesday 22nd January 2020.
Education gets lion share of 2020 Budget
ST. JOHN’S, Antigua and Barbuda – 23rd January 2020………Prime Minister has announced that his government’s plans for education has resulted in that Ministry receiving the largest share of the EC$1.7 Billion Dollar Budget.
He stated that the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has the highest allocation in the amount of $151.6 Million which includes an allocation of $18 million in support of the recently opened University of the West Indies Five Islands Campus.
The huge amount allocated to the Ministry of Education, will among other things be utilized for the expansion and refurbishing of schools and colleges and the awarding of scholarships.
In announcing the 1.7 Billon Dollar Budget, Prime Minister Browne stated that recurrent Expenditure, excluding principal payments, plus Capital Expenditure gives Total Expenditure of $1.21 billion for Fiscal Year 2020.
He said that total Revenue and Grants in Fiscal Year 2020 is $1.12 billion, a 16% or $154.0 million, increase over the amount budgeted in 2019.
“Therefore, the projected fiscal deficit for Fiscal Year 2020 is $96 million. This will be a 45% reduction in the overall deficit compared to the estimated deficit for 2019,” he said.
In funding the Budget, Prime Minister Browne stated that there is a requirement of $586.7 million.
“Our Government will raise $275 million from Securities issued on the Regional Government Securities Market; issue $95 million in development bonds; and access loans and advances of $216.7 million,” Prime Minister stated.
“Our Government is delivering on our people’s expectations.…investing in our country’s future…empowering our people through ownership…keeping our taxes low…and getting our debt down……Now we must pull together …to build the bright, prosperous future that is within our nation’s grasp. We must resolve to go forward, not backward… And continue to build this nation of which we are all so proud, and a country which we all so enduringly love,” PM concluded.
ST. JOHN’S, Antigua and Barbuda – 23rd January 2020……While celebrating the achievements of the Government thus far, and highlighting the major projects and plans for 2020, PM Browne shifted his attention to both the vulnerable and youth in the country.
Prime Minister Browne addressed the audience, stating that in thriving economies across the world, there are persons who are vulnerable and need special assistance
In his statement, PM Browne said, “I have acknowledged the pockets of poverty that continue to exist in our country. I have also made it clear that we are tackling it. Our Government maintains several social programmes that benefit the elderly, orphans, persons with disabilities, and poor or indigent individuals. Hundreds of persons are served by: the Board of Guardians, the Home Advancement Programme for the Indigent (HAPI), and the Government Residential and Care for the Elderly (GRACE) programme.”
The Prime Minister also indicated that nearly 9,000 persons receive assistance through the PDVCAB Peoples Benefit and Utility Subsidy programmes.
“We are pledged to continue these programmes, because every life is an important life; every citizen is important to our society; our government will let none suffer, nor any go hungry; because we care, and we will always care,” PM Browned ended. The Prime Minister used the opportunity to celebrate and encourage youth empowerment. “This Government’s primary initiative for the empowerment of our youth, is the provision of every opportunity from the primary to tertiary level to acquire knowledge. For those young people who, for whatever reason, did not manage in their school years, we provide the Second Chance Programme by which they can earn certification, improve their employability, and equip themselves for higher learning,” PM Browne recommend. On this note, the Prime Minister Congratulated the Second Chance Programme Leader, Troy Allen, on his work and dedication.
Prime Minister Browne highlighted initiatives that his government has undertaken to ensure inclusiveness and promote empowerment among the country’s youth. These would include the Land for Youth Initiative, the young entrepreneurs’ component of the Entrepreneurial Development Programme, The Science and Innovation Centre that is being managed by UNOPS and the retrofitting of the former Deluxe Cinema for the creative arts.
“Our nation has witnessed the remarkable achievements of Khan Cordice and our international teen sensation AU/RA in music, and Alzarri Joseph, Rakheem Cornwall and Hayden Walsh Jr. in cricket. Where they have succeeded, others can. Our government offers the opportunities; our young people must take advantage of them,” The Prime Minister declared.
EMANCIPATION DAY STATEMENT HON. GASTON BROWNE PRIME MINISTER, ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA ON EMANCIPATION DAY AUGUST 1, 2019 Fellow citizens of Antigua and Barbuda, residents, friends and visitors: I invite you to join my Government and the wide array of Governments, organizations and individuals throughout the African Diaspora who are today commemorating and celebrating this day, August 1st, 2019, as the One Hundred and Eighty-fifth (185th) Anniversary of the proclamation of the en
Continue ReadingEmployment opportunities.
Washington, DC, July 24…. The Governments of Antigua and Barbuda and the Republic of Kosovo today signed agreements simultaneously establishing diplomatic relations and abolishing visa requirements between their nations.
The agreements were signed in Washington, DC by the Ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda, Sir Ronald Sanders, and the Republic of Kosovo’s Ambassador, Vlora Citaku.
Commenting on the two agreements, Sir Ronald said that “they are in keeping with the policies of the Gaston Browne administration to maintain friendly and cooperative relations with as many nations as possible and to abolish the requirements for visas for tourism, business and investment”.
Ambassador Sanders noted that with this latest abolition of visa requirements, the Antigua and Barbuda passport “continues its high rating as one of the strongest and most acceptable in the world”.
At the signing ceremony, the two Ambassadors expressed the joint view that global inter-connectedness in telecommunication and transportation provide real opportunities for trade, investment and tourism which will be vigorously pursued.
Ambassador Citaku said that her government recognizes that, despite its size, Antigua and Barbuda plays a dynamic role in Caribbean and Hemispheric affairs. In this connection, she said the Republic of Kosovo looked forward to cooperating with Antigua and Barbuda based on the joint commitment of the two nations to the principles of international peace, respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and non-interference in the international affairs of states.
Photo shows (sitting left to right) Ambassadors Vlora Citaku and Sir Ronald Sanders. Frymezim Isufaj and Joy-Dee Davis, Minister-Counsellors (standing left to right)
There is NO BAN on Vitz vehicles. The Health Minister expressed concerns about the safety of those vehicles and we recommend caution when driving with speed. Please note however, there will be no such ban on these vehicles.
This will be the first global conference of this magnitude, with over 20 symposiums broadcasting and streaming worldwide.
"Antigua and Barbuda is proud to once again be the stage of a global event, witnessed by millions around the world. We are proud to continue to be trailblazers in this new and exciting industry in the region. Cannabis will alter the future of the medical and tourism fields—and it will have a tremendously positive impact on the economy of our state," states Prime Minister Browne.
"Tyson Ranch is thrilled to be working with the beautiful island and people of Antigua," said Mike Tyson.
Notes from Cabinet: (pt 6)- The Parliament will hold an informal meeting on Monday morning, July 22, 2019, commencing at 10:00 am in order to receive an important report by the PANCAP (Pan Caribbean Partnership Against HIV and AIDS). The regional body was established by CARICOM Heads in 2001. The PANCAP Leader has some very important data to share with all of Antigua and Barbuda, and he has been invited to do so in the setting of the Parliament. All are invited. -Two more Wednesday-Cabinet sessions will be held during the month of July 2019 before the Cabinet takes a two-week break. The next sitting of Parliament will take place next week Tuesday, July 23, 2019.
Notes from Cabinet: (pt 5):- The Cabinet gave its approval for the MSJMC (Mount St. John Medical Center) to further improve its neo-natal unit by the expenditure of EC$250,000 on upgraded equipment and expertise. The expectation is that the unit will be able to save pre-term infants born at 6 months or 24 weeks of gestation. At the moment, the neo-natal unit can save infants after 28 weeks of gestation.
- The Cabinet agreed that work on the unfinished Car Park on the green space at the East Bus Station, once called the Sunshine Hub, will begin immediately after Carnival. 50,000 square feet of office space is available, after corridors and other utilities draw upon its 70,000 square feet of space.
- Extra lights will be going-up in and around Carnival City beginning next week, the APUA Minister informed the Cabinet. The lights are intended to ensure that patrons’ parked cars are safer, and their walk back to their vehicles feel more secure. Other plans to beef-up security during the Carnival events were also agreed by the Cabinet.
Notes from Cabinet: (pt4)- Technicians from the Ministry of Trade, the Comptroller of Customs, and the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Trade were invited to Cabinet to share the results of their preliminary examination of the trade agreements and trade law that govern Antigua and Barbuda, in a regional and global context. The Government has been provided with a grant to conduct a longitudinal study that will last three years. During that period, the impact which these agreements and WTO rules will have had on Antigua and Barbuda is to be measured and published. The Cabinet, especially the Minister of Trade, would then be armed with the necessary data to inform any adjustment which the study’s recommendations could possibly make. - The Cabinet was informed that following negotiations with the Airport Authority, the Digicel Cell Tower on Barbuda will be rebuilt to allow for better connectivity between Codrington and all of Antigua. Hurricane Irma dealt a severe blow to the tower, and the ABAA had to be persuaded that its location would not be hazardous to aircraft landing and taking-off on the new airstrip
Notes from Cabinet: (pt 3)- The Director of Analytical Services attached to the Ministry of Agriculture and a highly-trained expert in HVAC (Heating Venting and Cooling) Systems were invited to return to Cabinet, following last week’s presentation, in order for them to share data which the Cabinet required in order to set national policy on air quality in buildings—especially those occupied by public employees. Following their presentation, the Cabinet agreed that the Physical Planning Act would have to be amended in order to ensure that certain designs, maintenance schedules, and proper materials are utilized when installing air conditioning systems in building construction. The experts explained that the fiberglass boards, utilized in most buildings as air conditioning ducts, ought to be employed to encase metal ducts to prevent condensation; instead, only the fiberglass boards are used, causing condensation to form on the boards and to serve as a home for mould that can grow and cause harm to the building’s occupants. It was agreed that in amending the building code, air quality considerations would be taken into account; they would include giving a time-frame to landlords to allow them to fix the current deficiencies that make buildings “sick”. It was also agreed that the need for expertise in measuring water quality, food acceptability, and air quality, among other kinds of measurements, is now a requirement. A National Public Health Institute may have to be created by law that will bring many areas of expertise under a single roof; better coordination could then be achieved. -The Cabinet determined that it would seek amendments to the laws which govern the Non-citizens Land Holding Licence and the Undeveloped Land Tax. It appears that many legal practitioners have found creative ways to circumvent the intent of the laws. Already, the Cabinet has addressed the practice of shareholding in private companies by non-citizens, in an attempt by their legal representatives to lower the tax liability of those non-citizens who purchase real estate. The Undeveloped Land Tax is intended to deter speculation by non-citizens, especially those who purchase property but fail to undertake any development for years, awaiting the opportunity to sell the property at a vastly increased price without having made any investment. The loopholes are to be plugged by the Parliament.
Notes from Cabinet: (pt2)- Two expert groups accompanied the General Manager and the Telecomms Manager of APUA to the Cabinet in order to address the issues of the sharing of the 850 megahertz band, and the Fiber-To-Home (FTH) challenge which the APUA has contemplated initiating. Both exercises are very costly, compelling APUA to bring expertise to the table to assist with their evaluations. In turn, the experts were invited to Cabinet. The Cabinet was advised that the FTH exercise would be built on a platform that will initially allow for 25,000 customers, but could be expanded in due course to serve every household and business-place in Antigua and Barbuda if necessary. The APUA managers gave their full endorsement of the findings, including the cost. -The experts, who addressed the issue of the sharing of the 850 megahertz band, explained that the APUA had been completely closed-out from this important lower frequency band; APUA’s inclusion is a requirement if the national carrier is to deliver improved voice services. (The experts explained that the reason people in their homes hear the base transmissions of sound trucks, even before they can hear the trucks’ music, is that the base is of very low frequency capable of piercing walls—much like the 850 megahertz band transmits low frequency signals.) The 850 megahertz band is divided between FLOW and Digicel—one occupies 11 and the other the remaining 10 frequencies; APUA is therefore on an uneven playing field, or on no playing field at all. Further, the experts surmised, any disruption to the two firms likely to be caused by a re-distribution of the 850 band would be minimal. The Cabinet reiterated its decision to direct APUA to secure an equitable distribution of the 850 megahertz band to include a portion of frequency to APUA. The APUA was also instructed to seek an end to the litigation which has been initiated by its competitors, as they seek to close-out APUA from a lucrative and necessary frequency. The Cabinet was also informed that the 1900 band and the 700 band—the low frequencies that are also likely to be used in the development of 5G broadcasts—have also been monopolized by APUA’s competitors, further excluding APUA from any viable future in the changing technology. That situation, the Cabinet agreed, is untenable.
Notes from Cabinet: (pt 1)- The Cabinet gave the authorization for a prison to be built on the compound of the Prison Farm, not far from Sanderson’s, to hold persons on remand and for youthful offenders that have been given custodial sentences. A little more than 100 men and women are on remand, awaiting a trial date or other procedures before the court; they have not been convicted of any crime. The Cabinet is of the view that those on remand ought to be separated from those who have been convicted. When the population has been decreased by this transfer of a significant number from Her Majesty’s Prison, major repair work is planned at the Coronation Road facility known as 1735. The facility is the oldest building in all of Antigua and Barbuda, and was built as a barracks for soldiers almost 285 years ago. It has been in need of a new kitchen, new bathrooms, flush toilets and better sanitary conditions that would decrease the chances of spreading communicable diseases among inmates. The first of the containerized units for the construction of the new holding facility, at the site of the Prison Farm, will arrive Antigua in a few weeks. -The Cabinet expressed its deep concern by reports of those men and women who engage in the illicit drug trade and who often turn to violent means in order to settle their differences. The Cabinet is especially concerned with those who come from other places and who choose to engage in this nefarious business. Anyone concerned with drug trafficking in Antigua and Barbuda, whose birthplace is other than Antigua and Barbuda, will be returned to their home country. They will be declared persona non grata, a National Security risk, and immediately repatriated.
Do enjoy your vacation with us!
"St. Kitts and Nevis Minister of Education and Youth, Deputy Prime Minister Shawn Richards is encouraging prospective students to consider attending the UWI landed campus in Antigua as it may be more cost effective than traveling further to the other UWI landed campuses in Jamaica, Trinidad, and Barbados.. Deputy Prime Minister Richards said he is pleased with some of the proposed fields of study at the new campus, including teaching, nursing and hospitality. He said across the region these are professions where there is always a need for trained persons."
Antigua and Barbuda and the Dominican Republic forge closer relations – Embassy to Break Ground soon
Prime Minister the Hon. Gaston Browne on Sunday, 7th July fulfilled a promise made three years ago to the President of the Dominican Republic to transfer one acre of land for the construction of an embassy and residences for the Dominican Republic in St. John’s.
The country’s leader presented the land certificate to Foreign Affairs Minister of the Dominican Republic, Chancel
Continue ReadingNotes from Cabinet: (pt 4): -Anti-praedial theft units are being organized by the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda. Although farmers are encouraged to rely on the new technology to help catch thieves, the Police must play a significant role in apprehension and prosecution, the Cabinet agreed. Rapid response and good communications will form the basis of the teams’ operation. More details to follow.
-The Cabinet applauded Mrs. Maria Browne, a Parliamentarian and Cabinet member, for attaining her L.L.B. (Hons.) from the Arden University in the U.K. The ceremony marking her attainment of her second college degree was witnessed by her husband and son who are both present in England. The family returns to Antigua on Friday.
-Royal Caribbean Cruise Line has agreed to sponsor a steelband for Carnival 2019. A selection process is being pursued, the Minister of Tourism announced. Royal Caribbean will be investing nearly $100 million in a Fort James project.
Notes from Cabinet: (pt 3): -The Cabinet held a broad discussion on road construction, road rehabilitation, and road usage. There are 400 miles of road across Antigua and more than a majority are in need of rehabilitation. The former administration spent more than $1 billion dollars on roads over ten years, and did NOT achieve any tangible increase in road quality. Since car ownership has increased exponentially in these past five years—following the reduction of import taxes on used cars by the Gaston Browne administration—the usage of roads has also increased. The quality of the surface of the roads, the Cabinet has agreed, must therefore be improved by voting an increase in expenditure for Public Works. Although the quantum of increase for road rehabilitation and construction could not be immediately determined, the Minister of Works will provide an estimate which will likely be taken to Parliament for approval in subsequent budget years. The Cabinet is determined to ensure that smooth roads become a reality across the country, and at the same time, make certain that drivers do not imperil their lives and property by reckless driving and speeding when road surfaces are improved.
-The Minister with responsibility for sports reported that the YASCO track is about to be completed. He asked for its completion to be prioritized so that it can be done before the first week of August 2019. The rubber portion now needs to be laid, since the stored rubber may begin to deteriorate if it is kept confined much longer. The Cabinet agreed to the request and the necessary resources are to be set aside, in order to complete the rehabilitation that has been underway.
Notes from Cabinet: (pt2): -The General Manager and the (Acting) Financial Controller of the Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA) were invited to Cabinet to address the issue of payments to the Treasury; and, the APUA officials wished to raise the issue of the cost of providing APUA services to the Central Government and Statutory Bodies. The APUA has assets valued at nearly $500,000,000 (five hundred million dollars), which include its four divisions, lands, buildings and infrastructure owned by APUA. The Ministry of Finance would wish for APUA to contribute a dividend payment to the Treasury (monthly), as the law provides. The APUA officials indicated that the value of the electricity, water and telephone services provided to the Central Government and its Statutory Corporations—from whom little payments are received—make impossible any dividend payment to the Treasury. The Cabinet asked for details and costings, and was assured that the data will be forthcoming. The cost of buying gigabytes from a supplier was also deemed to be too high. -The Cabinet was informed of the state of the negotiations which are taking place to purchase that portion of Barbados’ liability to the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), in the LIAT re-fleeting exercise. Antigua and Barbuda’s object is to acquire sufficient common shares in LIAT that will give the administration a controlling position. Instead of collapsing LIAT or reducing the size of its operation, the Gaston Browne administration aims to enlarge LIAT’s routes and to operate LIAT as far north as Florida, stopping in places like Jamaica, Haiti and the Dominican Republic—leasing jet aircraft to achieve this bigger ambition. More than 700 LIAT employees will remain employed if this ambition is realized. The negotiations are at a very sensitive stage, the Cabinet was informed, and will continue until there is an agreement.
Notes from Cabinet: (pt1): The Antigua and Barbuda Government’s Chief Chemist and a Chemical Engineer, (trained in Cuba) from within the Ministry of the Environment, were invited to Cabinet to address the issue of air quality in public buildings. This matter was raised at the previous week’s Cabinet meeting, with a decision to explore more fully the challenges associated with rectifying the deficiencies, which may have an impact on the health of buildings and their occupants. The two experts informed that air conditioning systems, their fiberglass ducts, the circulation of air, and the lack of maintenance of the systems all contribute to making several buildings somewhat unhealthy. The buildings that rely upon central air conditioning units are usually outfitted with vents that allow for air to be sucked in from the outside at intervals, and for used air to be returned to the outside of the building. The systems that rely on individual air conditioning units may succeed in making the cold air more highly targeted; those individual units, however, have no air circulation systems and are thus more likely to cause unwanted particles to be blown around within their confined space. Since the Antigua and Barbuda law does not yet set any standards, the engineers utilize standards set by states and cities in the USA to determine acceptable air quality. A machine to measure the air quality is to be utilized in all public buildings in order to determine the fix that is required. Carpeting, for example, that harbour microbes, may be a source of harm. Humid air, bearing dust particles and microscopic elements, may also be a source of impairment of good health. The Central Board of Health (CBH) is intended to be an inspectorate rather than a trash-collecting agency; that body has already been undergoing change. Notwithstanding that change, the functions of CBH will be more closely aligned with the expectations of the Legislature and it will have the task, working with the experts, to make the measurements of air quality in buildings. The Government’s Laboratory, which now serves the Police and agricultural production, is not sufficiently equipped to undertake the air quality work that must now be done. A lab which serves these kinds of purposes will likely be developed with assistance from available sources. The team agreed to return to Cabinet in a few weeks with certain recommendations.
Important notice on the Entertainment Tax. Please feel free to contact the Inland Revenue Department for more information.
Rastafarian School at Creek side under construction - Donated by National Housing and Government of Antigua and Barbuda.
MEDIA STATEMENT: The Government of Antigua and Barbuda has entered into an agreement with Global Ports Holding LLC (GPH) to invest over US$80 million dollars in the further development of the cruise tourism port in St. John’s. The negotiations began in June 2018 and has culminated in an agreement that has been thoroughly examined by the Solicitor General and a team of lawyers from the Ministry of Legal Affairs, and finally by the Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda on Thursday, January 31, 2019.
The agreement will allow Global Ports to bring its considerable financial strength and expertise to the expansion project at the cruise port, and to eliminate a debt of US$21 million that has been serviced sparingly for more than twenty years. Global Ports will ensure that the completion of the dredging, already underway in the St. John’s Harbour, will allow the Oasis Class Ships, capable of carrying more than 6,000 passengers and 4,000 crew, to dock at a fifth berth parallel to the Point Wharf.
It is estimated that the number of cruise ships entering the St. John’s Harbour will also increase, and that the passenger base will be diversified. At the moment, the overwhelming majority of passengers come from the USA. Global Ports will increase the flow of cruise tourists from Europe. Global Ports operates many ports in Europe and has been able to increase their performance as cruise tourism ports.
The thirty-year agreement with Global Ports will bring many benefits to the Antigua and Barbuda economy, the Minister of Tourism has asserted. The Cabinet thanked the officials who were involved in the tweaking of the agreement.
Come out and support this dynamic theater group! February 9th Dean William Lake Cultural Center at 8pm!
Visit of Delegation of CARICOM Member States to the UN Secretary-General
On Monday, 28 January 2019 a delegation of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), comprising Dr the Hon. Timothy Harris, Chairman of CARICOM, the Hon. Mia Mottley and Dr. the Hon. Keith Rowley, Prime Ministers of St. Kitts and Nevis, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago, respectively, and the Hon. Peter David, Foreign Minister of Grenada, H.E. Irwin LaRocque, CARICOM Secretary-General, as well as the Permanent Representatives of these countries met with the United Nations Secretary-General H.E. Antonio Guterres to discuss the situation in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
The CARICOM delegation expressed its grave concern over the untenable situation in Venezuela. The delegation strongly urged that further deterioration would seriously aggravate the plight of Venezuelans. The Caribbean Community is steadfast that the region must remain a Zone of Peace.
The CARICOM delegation emphasised its commitment to the tenets of Article 2(4) of the UN Charter which calls on states to refrain from the threat or the use of force. CARICOM has been consistent in the critical importance it accords to the key principles of non interference and non-intervention. CARICOM reaffirmed the view that there was an urgent need for meaningful dialogue leading to a peaceful internal solution for the Venezuelan people. The Caribbean Community is resolute in its belief that it is never too late for dialogue since the consequences of no dialogue will be dire.
The United Nations Secretary General extended his offer of good offices, circumstances permitting, to facilitate dialogue and negotiation between the parties. The CARICOM delegation indicated its readiness to work assiduously to bring the parties to the negotiating table.
To this end, the visiting CARICOM Heads of Government today engaged with various Permanent Representatives - Canada, the Russian Federation, the European Union and the African Union. They also engaged with the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Foreign Minister of Mexico with a view to reduce tensions and build a platform for dialogue. Futher engagements will take place in the next few days as the situation remains fluid.
National Pride.
Our Team Island Girls are home (Photos): In addition to the special homecoming welcome, Prime Minister Gaston Browne announced that each rower will receive a Mediterranean Cruise for them and their partner. PM Browne also revealed that the Government will put an additional $40,000 donation towards the Antigua Island Girls' Cottage of Hope fundraising venture. Gaston Browne Team Antigua Island Girls
Our Girls are home! (Photo gallery part 1) Prime Minister Gaston Browne welcomes the first All-Female-Black Team to row across the Atlantic in the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge. PM Browne emphasized how impressed and proud he is of the young women who took on such a momentous challenge. While addressing the rowers, PM Browne told the team Antigua Island girls that they are an "inspiration to all," and challenges other members of the public to take up the mantle in the future. Maria Browne Team Antigua Island Girls
Our #islandgirls
Parliament dismissed early today for MP members to witness the homecoming of our historic TaliskerWhiskey Atlantic Rowers. History was made when four Antiguan females set their oars to row across the Atlantic ocean. The first all black female team in history. We are proud of our #islandgirls . On board with us are elected members of parliament, the MP for Barbuda, the leader of the opposition and OPM staff.
Almost here ladies. See you soon!
Happening now: 2019 Budget debate
The nation awakened this Sunday morning, the fourth in the New Year, to learn of the passing of Dame Yvonne Maginley O.B.E. K.C.M.G. On behalf of the Government and the people of Antigua and Barbuda, I express heartfelt condolences to her family. Dame Yvonne Maginley represented the very best there is in this small island-state, filled with ambitions to escape the tragedies of colonialism, underdevelopment and oppressive conditions. She was born when Antigua and Barbuda was still a colony, governed by others not of our choosing. This proud Caribbean woman set about to make her island-country a place where meaningful lives and livelihoods could be forged. Dame Yvonne Maginley will be remembered for her work with the Community Players. This cultural group toured the world, providing a glimpse into the artistic evolution of an emerging Caribbean island-state that nurtured great ambitions. She led performances at the United Nations, the Organization of American States, the great music halls in London, New York and elsewhere. Dame Yvonne Maginley was instrumental in forging a path for tourism to find a place in the economy, travelling to the great cities in North America and Europe in order to ensure that more Antiguans and Barbudans could participate meaningfully in an emerging sector. She was a pioneer in this field and won great applause from those with whom she worked as Director General of Tourism. Dame Yvonne Maginley’s work with the Antigua and Barbuda Hospitality Training Institute will not be forgotten. She was encouraged in this endeavour by Sir Lester Bird, then the Minister responsible for Economic Development. Her work with Sir Novelle Richards, another cultural icon who is the first among Antigua and Barbuda’s diplomats, will also be recorded by history. He wrote the national anthem and her musical skills perfected many of his poems. Dame Yvonne Maginley joins a pantheon of Antigua and Barbuda citizens in the Great Beyond, whose contributions to nation-building have significantly altered the course of our island-state’s future. Her dedication to her church and her community was sterling and her love of country was undiminished by age. She will be buried but not forgotten. May the soul of Dame Yvonne Maginley join those of the heroes and heroines of this great little country, looking down upon us, as we continue to build on the glorious work which our sister started. Honourable Gaston Browne M.P. Prime Minister
Chinese Scholarships 2019. Fifteen (15) Full Scholarships are available. Apply by March 15, 2019.
Sir Curtly in Australia Dancing with the Stars! Let's all wish him the very best.
Happening now: Prime Minister Hon. Gaston Browne is currently participating in the Regional Security System Council of Ministers Meeting via teleconference. The meeting was arranged and hosted by the Hon. Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados. The RSS is currently chaired by Dr. The Hon Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Also joining via teleconference are the Heads of Government of the Eastern Caribbean States, their respective Security Ministers, and Police commissioners.
Topping the agenda for the regional sit down is the proliferation of gun and associated violence across the region. Defining the issues and seeking ways the remedy the growing situation.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne’s delegation consists of Ambassador Colin Murdoch Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister, Minister of National Security Hon. Steadroy Benjamin, Acting Commissioner of Police Mr. Atlee Rodney and Foreign Service Officer, Mr. Kurt Williams.
The following Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) - Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago; Foreign Ministers of Grenada and Suriname;, meeting by video-conference on 24 January 2019, issued the following statement.
“Heads of Government are following closely the current unsatisfactory situation in Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, a neighbouring Caribbean country. They expressed grave concern about the plight of the people of Venezuela and the increasing volatility of the situation brought about by recent developments which could lead to further violence, confrontation, breakdown of law and order and greater suffering for the people of the country.
Heads of Government reaffirmed their guiding principles of non-interference and non-intervention in the affairs of states, respect for sovereignty, adherence to the rule of law, and respect for human rights and democracy.
Heads of Government reiterated that the long-standing political crisis, which has been exacerbated by recent events, can only be resolved peacefully through meaningful dialogue and diplomacy.
In this regard, Heads of Government offered their good offices to facilitate dialogue among all parties to resolve the deepening crisis.
Reaffirming their commitment to the tenets of Article 2 (4) of the United Nations Charter which calls for Members States to refrain from the threat or the use of force and Article 21 of the Charter of the Organization of American States which refers to territorial inviolability, the Heads of Government emphasized the importance of the Caribbean remaining a Zone of Peace.
Heads of Government called on external forces to refrain from doing anything to destabilize the situation and underscored the need to step back from the brink and called on all actors, internal and external, to avoid actions which would escalate an already explosive situation to the detriment of the people of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and which could have far-reaching negative consequences for the wider region.
Heads of Government agreed that the Chairman of Conference, Dr the Honourable Timothy Harris, Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis would seek an urgent meeting with the United Nations Secretary-General to request the U.N’s assistance in resolving the issue.”
Notes from Cabinet: Prime Minister Gaston Browne returns to Antigua and Barbuda on Thursday evening, January 24, 2019, from Switzerland where he addressed several meetings of leaders from three continents, and spoke on global citizenship at several forums. Honourable Steadroy Benjamin is Acting Prime Minister, and chaired the Cabinet session today. There were no invited guests to the Cabinet. The Cabinet was informed that repairs will shortly begin on the 1967 Court House on High and Temple Streets. During the repair period, the Magistrate’s Court will be temporarily transferred to the Antigua and Barbuda Transport Board Headquarters in Herberts. The Traffic Court will also be temporarily transferred to the ABTB Headquarters Building. The repair period is not yet determined, but twelve weeks are likely. Furthermore, upon completion of the repairs at High Street, the Traffic Court is likely to remain at the Herberts’ building. Staff at the Magistrate’s Court have complained about conditions in the building. Workhours were reduced to half-days, and many of the functions of the court were significantly reduced. The building at Herberts will allow for the return of all services to the public.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne Statement on The Ross University transfer out of Dominica:
Antigua and Barbuda has learned by way of the public media of the Ross University decision to transfer its operation from Dominica to another CARICOM state. Antigua and Barbuda recognizes the monumental role played by Ross University in the economy of Dominica; a move away from our neighbour would impact, even in the short- term, employment, foreign exchange earnings, and air arrivals. For these reasons, Antigua and Barbuda stands ready to assist by providing certain incentives that would enable the hurricane-ravished Dominican territory to remain attractive to Ross University: 1. In helping to resolve in part the challenge of airline connections for Ross University students heading to Dominica from the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and from any airport requiring transit into Antigua, the Government of Antigua and Barbuda stands ready to lower or even to eliminate transit taxes that those students are now required to pay, foregoing revenue that Antigua might have collected; 2. Antigua and Barbuda accepts that whereas no injury was intended by the other CARICOM country whose Government agreed to accept Ross University, the negative impact on Dominica nonetheless, should Ross University not return, will be monumental. There is every responsibility owed by Ross University to engage in a win-win outcome by maintaining operations in Dominica, while expanding and diversifying its market operations to an additional CARICOM state. The member states of CARICOM must also act to lessen the negative impact on our neighbour, to whatever extent governments find possible, primarily because these circumstances had their origin in a natural disaster; 3. Antigua and Barbuda knows the pain which the workers and other breadwinners in Dominica will feel because of the planned departure of the Ross University—a very significant player in economic terms for the multiple Dominican businesses which offer goods and services to the university’s thousands of students, faculty and staff. An economic downturn in Dominica coupled with the freedom of movement—resulting from the single economic space that is the OECS—cannot be helpful to the cause of regional integration. Antigua and Barbuda will do its part to assist the neighbour whose citizens continue in large numbers to make Antigua their home.
Antigua and Barbuda has never shirked its responsibility to extend assistance to the people and Government of Dominica in times of distress. Now more than ever, Dominica will require our helping hand.
Indian Ambassador Presents Extradition Documents
The Indian Government dispatched Ambassador Manpreet Vohra to Antigua and Barbuda to follow-up on the request by the Government of India for the extradition of Mr. Mehul Choksi, the CIP citizen of Antigua and Barbuda who is wanted by law enforcement authorities in India on fraud charges.
Ambassador Vohra flew into VC Bird on Friday afternoon, August 3, 2018, and proceeded immediately to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he held a meeting with Foreign Minister E.P. Chet Greene and his team. He was accompanied by High Commissioner Venkatachalan Mahalingam, who is the accredited representative to Antigua and Barbuda, and who had on Monday engaged PM Browne and his team on the Choksi matter. Dr. Pradip Choudhary, a senior legal consultant with the Government of India, also joined the meeting.
Ambassador Manpreet Vohra, during his meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs E.P. Chet Greene and senior officials, informed that the Government of India was officially seeking the extradition of Mr. Mehul Choksi and he presented Minister Greene with the formal documentation requesting Choksi’s extradition. Ambassador Vohra handed over a letter from the Minister of External Affairs of India, H.E. Sushma Swaraj, to Minister Greene which will begin the extradition process.
‘I give you the assurance,’ Minister Greene said, ‘that the Government of Antigua and Barbuda will be a responsible actor and will cooperate with the Government of India in this matter. There are procedural steps that need to be followed, but behind it all you will find in us a Government committed to the rule of law.’
The Indian team held a follow-up meeting with Foreign Minister Greene over the weekend before flying out of VC Bird on Sunday.
Please be mindful of Fake news
Nine times Grammy Award winner Mary J. Blige on Wednesday made a surprise visit on the Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda. Blige is in Antigua on a vacation. Prime Minister Browne welcomed the international singer, songwriter, producer and actress to Antigua and indicated that her visit has done a great good for the tourism sector.
EU Supports Housing Reconstruction In Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda and the European Union (EU) have signed an agreement for EUR 5 Million (EC 15.7 Million) to support the reconstruction of houses in Barbuda after hurricane Irma. The support was allocated from the emergency reserves of the European Development Fund, and comes on top of the country’s cooperation programmes with the EU.
The programme, entitled “Housing Support to Barbuda after Hurricane Irma” will be implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and aims to rebuild to higher resilience standards 150 houses in Barbuda, following strict and adapted building codes, in close collaboration with the national authorities and the concerned institutions like the National Officer for Disaster Services (NODS).
During the signing ceremony in Antigua, Daniela Tramacere, EU Ambassador to Antigua and Barbuda said: “The partnership between the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, the UNDP and the European Union is the guarantee that 150 Barbudan families will return to a safe, high quality and hurricane-resilient home”.
The common aim of Antigua and Barbuda ad the EU through their long-lasting partnership and cooperation is to reduce vulnerability of the country to Climate Change and natural disasters in particular. It also seeks to improve the country’s fiscal and macroeconomic resilience through direct support of the Public Finance Management System.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne Meets With Digicel Execs for High Level Talks.. The Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda met today, Tuesday, July 31, 2018, for about one hour, with the Chief Executive Officer and the Sales Director of Digicel, Mr. Dwayne Tulloch and Mr. Clement Samuel, respectively. The three officials held substantive discussions regarding the issue of taxes, set-offs, and closer collaboration between the private firm and the Government. The CEO was acting on the urging of the Chairman of Digicel, who sought answers from the Antigua and Barbuda Government. The Digicel officials indicated that the corporate tax set-off agreement has ended, and that all taxes are fully paid-up. The Digicel CEO further informed that the set-off agreement between APUA and Digicel, dating back to 2012, has 18 months left before it expires. The Digicel CEO has noted that expansion of its services is planned for the near future, and that expanded services which their customers demand can only be met if Digicel has access to the existing fiberoptic network owned by APUA. The Prime Minister reported on the demand for space on the spectrum which the APUA Telecoms requires, in order to meet its own customer demand; further, the Head of Government made it clear that the division of the useful spectrum among the carriers is an important undertaking which the APUA needs immediately, in order to increase its market reach. After significant discussions, the Prime Minister and the Digicel officials agreed the differences between the Government/APUA and Digicel can be bridged. The Prime Minister called on the General Manager of APUA to provide wide-ranging answers and was told that a comprehensive review can be undertaken in three weeks. The APUA will present a formal plan to the Cabinet which will examine the workability of a partnership between APUA/PCS and Digicel, without loss of employment. On behalf of the Government and people of Antigua and Barbuda. The Digicel Officials thanked the Prime Minister for the meeting, and the Prime Minister remarked that he found the meeting extremely useful. The Prime Minister acknowledged Digicel as a good corporate citizen and one that makes a positive contribution to Antigua and Barbuda. The team will meet again in mid-August 2018. They expressed serious interest in the proposed partnership with APUA/PCS and undertook to discuss the issue with their principals for further consideration at the August meeting.
Festivals Commission says Observer Media Reports are False
ST. JOHN’S, Antigua and Barbuda – 30th July, 2018……….The Antigua and Barbuda Festivals Commission notes with concern, comments made by the management of the Observer Group of Companies that the Commission has been issued with instructions by the government not to do business with the Observer Group of Companies.
This statement is totally false and is not supported by facts. The Commission has never been instructed by any Minister or any member of government on any matter relating to its business and vehemently deny this allegation.
For Carnival 2018, the Commission considerably reduced its marketing budget due to financial constraints and outstanding commitments to service providers and agreed to only conduct business with the government’s owned Radio and Television. An existing arrangement is also in place with Vibz Radio. In addition, The records will show that the Commission has done business with the Observer group of companies during the first half of this year.
The Commission has also been informed that other sectors of the government have done business with the Observer group valued at over half a million dollars, more than it has done with any other media outlet.
As it relates to any perceived drop in attendance at the shows, the Commission reminds the Observer Group of Companies that the shows are streamed live to thousands of viewers by all media outlets at Carnival City, including Observer Radio (Ends).
Happening now : signing of financing agreement for the European union funded Barbuda Housing rebuilding project .
PM Browne encourages JCI Queen Contestants to be true Ambassadors
ST. JOHN’S, Antigua and Barbuda – 27th July, 2018…….Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda the Hon. Gaston Browne has encouraged contestants in the JCI Antigua Queens Competition to be true ambassadors of the region and to represent their country well.
The contestants on Thursday made a courtesy call on Prime Minister Browne at his office on Queen Elizabeth Highway in St. John’s.
The country’s leader told the contestants that the show, in its 57th Year should not only be a beauty pageant, but should be a platform for the young ladies to represent their countries well and to showcase the talent, beauty and intelligence of peoples of the Caribbean. He said that in order for Caribbean peoples to progress there must be a oneness and the JCI Queen Show is a perfect platform for them to utilize to make Caribbean people one.
Culture Minister, the Hon. Daryl Matthew who was also in attendance during the courtesy call, welcomed the girls to Antigua and Barbuda and wished them well in their competition, which comes up on Sunday 29th July at Carnival City. He said that the pageant has a rich history of excellence and he believes that this year’s presentation would live up to patrons’ expectations.
Seven girls from Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, St. Kitts, Caribbean United States of America, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago and St. Lucia will compete for the title currently held by Antigua and Barbuda. (Ends)
MAURICE F. MERCHANT Director-General of Communications | Government of Antigua and Barbuda /Users/maurice/Library/Containers/
Office of the Prime Minister|Queen Elizabeth Highway| St. John’s|Antigua and Barbuda T: 268.462.9766 Ext 1067 | D: 268.462.9766 | F: 268.462.3225 E: |
CFATF gives Antigua and Barbuda one of the best regional reports
27th July 2018
The Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) has given Antigua and Barbuda one of the best reports of regional countries so far in its 4th round evaluations.
The 2018 Mutual Evaluation Report, published by the CFATF, gives an overall positive assessment of the country’s efforts to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Examiners looked at both technical compliance with the FATF 40 recommendations and the effectiveness of the implementation of the AML/CFT system.
The Report noted Antigua and Barbuda’s national AML/CFT Policy and determined the jurisdiction has a reasonable understanding of the risks posed by money laundering and terrorist financing.
It pointed out that financial sector examiners are well-respected and it acknowledged a high level of understanding of ML/FT risks among the banking sector, though it did say that there is room for improvement in other areas of the financial sector.
Areas for improvement included: identification of vulnerable Non-Profit Organizations; lack of full awareness by lawyers of their AML/CFT obligations; and the need for implementation of the recently enacted requirement for annual reports on beneficial ownership of entities.
The Financial Intelligence Unit was commended for the accessibility of financial intelligence and other information that it analyzed and generated. The CFATF report, while finding that civil forfeiture cases are well investigated with numerous successful forfeiture orders granted by the court, also mentioned that the mechanism for criminal confiscation is not being fully utilized.
The country was described as timely in its mutual legal assistance and extradition to other countries, though greater prioritization was needed.
In the CFATF’s previous assessment of Antigua and Barbuda in 2007, there were over thirty (30) areas identified as having significant weaknesses. These weaknesses have been reduced in the 2018 report to only eight (8) that require significant improvement. The report also states that 32 areas of the AML/CFT infrastructure reached levels of ‘compliant’ or ‘largely compliant’, a significant improvement over the 10 areas identified in 2007.
Recommended actions by the CFATF examiners include: creation of a serious offences court; greater effort to increase money laundering prosecutions; stronger risk-based examinations of financial institutions; and measures to assist financial institutions and non-financial businesses and professions to better understand their ML/TF risks (ends)
Washington, DC, 26 July….. Antigua and Barbuda is being cited by officials of the U.S. State Department as an example to other countries to improve their machinery for combatting trafficking in persons.
This information was provided by Dr Kathleen Vogel and Ms Shelly Westebbe of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons of the U.S. State Department in a meeting with Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador to the United States, Sir Ronald Sanders.
The U.S. officials congratulated Antigua and Barbuda for demonstrating the political will and establishing the machinery to stomp-out trafficking in persons, saying that their entire Office is very pleased with how much had been achieved.
In its 2018 report on Human Trafficking, the U.S. State Department upgraded Antigua and Barbuda from the Tier 2 Watch List to Tier 2.
There are four levels on the list with Tier 1 and Tier 2 being the best performers.
Responding to the State Department Officers, Ambassador Sanders said that it is a firm policy of the present Gaston Browne led government to rid Antigua and Barbuda of any human trafficking whatsoever. He also stated that “the Trafficking in Persons Committee in Antigua, backed up by the Attorney-General, had performed admirably to improve Antigua and Barbuda’s situation by coordinating the efforts of several government offices, including the police and immigration”.
Sir Ronald disclosed that the Attorney-General, Steadroy ‘Cutie’ Benjamin was already taking steps to ensure that when Antigua and Barbuda is assessed in 2019, it will move from Tier 2 to Tier 1. In this regard, the U.S. Officers provided nine recommendations for action with three of them being priorities.
The priorities are to: develop a national action plan for the period beyond 2018; establish standard operation procedures for all government agencies and NGOs on identifying victims and referring them for attention; and amend the anti-human trafficking law to make penalties for trafficking in persons commensurate with serious crimes such as as rape and kidnapping.
Ambassador Sanders agreed to submit the priorities to the Attorney-General and to monitor implementation. He said “Antigua and Barbuda knows that in many parts of the world, persons who are trafficked end up in conditions akin to slavery. Everything in Antigua and Barbuda’s history cries out against slave conditions. The nation will not allow human trafficking”.
Today, Prime Minister Gaston Browne visited a Football Summer Camp ran by Mr. Tamo Allen at the Golden Grove Football Field. PM Browne, as an ardent football fan was delighted to engage the young campers in many discussions about football, issues affecting the youth and general life principles. PM Browne's motivational talks were well received as the many camp participants were all eggar to ask questions.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne visited the families affected by the disastrous fire which claimed the homes of several persons last night. PM Browne went to the scene of the unfortunate blaze which consumed over two residential homes and affected many others along Gilpin Avenue, Grays Farm in the late hours of Wednesday night. The Prime Minister, upon hearing the news cleared his scheduled and went to Grays Farm to speak with and console the affected families. The Prime Minister will be working to see how best the families can be assisted and assured the families that their homes will be restored. Also accompanying the Prime Minister was the Hon. Samantha Marshall, Minister with responsibility for Social Transformation and Sergent Veldon Ragguette, Project Coordinator for the HAPPI Programme.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne reaffirms his commitment to Barbuda's Redevelopment despite distracters. ..
St. John’s Antigua, July 13th 2018………As the Antigua and Barbuda China- Aid Post-Disaster Roof Restoration Initiative comes to an end, Prime Minister Gaston Browne reaffirmed his commitment to the continued development and reconstruction of Barbuda.
Heads of Government welcomed the Report of the Regional Commission on Marijuana. They noted its findings, conclusions and recommendations in particular with respect to human and religious rights; the social and developmental impact of use among adolescents; the economic benefits to be derived and issues related to its classification.
They expressed deep appreciation to the Commission’s Chair, Professor Rose-Marie Belle Antoine and the other members of the Commission for their very comprehensive report. The Commissioners, representing a range of disciplines conducted region-wide consultations to inform the Report.
Heads of Government recognised that the current classification of marijuana as an illicit drug presented a challenge in the conduct of research to fully understand and ascertain the medicinal benefits to be derived..
Prime Minister Gaston Browne pictured among the CARICOM Heads of Government during last week's CARICOM HOG Meeting in Jamaica.