In 2011 completed master’s degree in dentistry from Lithuanian University of Health and Sciences and continued my post graduate studies at Vilnius University where I obtained specialist in pediatric dentistry degree. Later I continued to work as a pediatric dentist at public and private practices in Europe. I had extensive training in treating patients with mental and physical disabilities, especially with autism spectrum disorder. I am qualified to provide dental treatment under conscious sedation and general anesthesia.
In collaboration with Vilnius University, I lead the development of behavior management program for dental patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which facilitates smooth preparation of ASD patients for preventive dental care procedures. I have published several articles about dental patients with ASD and special needs dentistry.
I love working with children, helping them overcome the fear of dentistry and provide best quality dental care. The best part in being pediatric dentistry is to see how your patients grow and see their smiles in my office. My motto is: treat every child the way I would like my child to be treated.
At the start of a new school year it’s great to remember healthy foods for teeth! By @dr.eglevitaite
Standatiniai nerūdijančio plieno vainikėliai: danties vainiko atstatymas standartiniu nerūdijančio plieno vainikėliu - kai danties vainikas smarkiai suiręs, užpildo (plombos) nepakanka. Dantį geriausia atstatyti vainikėliu. Vaikams naudojami standartiniai nerūdijančio plieno vainikėliai, kurie suteikia dančiui tvirtumo ir ilgalaikiškumo.
Stainless steel crowns: even though the primary dentition are temporary, it's important to realize how essential they are to the eventual eruption of your child's permanent teeth. Baby teeth play a crucial role in helping kids learn to speak and chew food for nourishment, but they also save space for their adult teeth. This is why, if your child has a badly decayed primary tooth, a stainless steel crown may be the best solution.
Friday fun fact :)
Everyday we meet different personalities and this makes live more interesting!!! And all of as have different parenting style :). What's your parenting style? I recognize my self for sure in this video :) as BF mother in pediatricians office :) :) :)
Teething facts: • The first teeth erupt at proximately six months of age and continue over the next three years. • In most cases teething causes minor discomfort and may be obvious by drooling, crankiness and irritable disposition. • Normal signs of teething also include red cheeks, red swollen gums and need for infant to chew things. • Fever, stuffiness, diarrhea and runny nose should not be blamed on teething. A chid with these conditions may require medical attention.
Regular physical activity is an important part of getting healthy and staying healthy. Encouraging kids and teens to be active from a young age sets good habits early on and helps them develop the skills they need to stay active throughout their lives.
Dr. Rose and Associates team promote sports!!! Encourage your child to be physically active!!
Andrew Culbard, Peter McQuillan and Egle Vitaite join leading Dubai clinic; Dentists will play key role in clinic’s Fair Care Dubai CSR initiative.
THE 2-2-2 RULE is a great one for your kids! It means to have a dental appointment twice a year, brush twice a day, and brush for two minutes each time you brush. *** Taisyklė 2-2-2 puiki ir paprasta norint išsaugoti sveikus vaikų dantis. Pas vaikų odontologą apžiūrai reikia lankytis 2 kartus į metus (kas 6 mėn.), dantukus reikia valyti 2 kartus dienoje po 2 minutes.
Getting your toddler used to brushing their teeth
You may find brushing your toddler's teeth to be challenge. Here are some suggestions that may help you make it more fun:
Sing nursery rhymes or play favorite song while you help your child brush his/her teeth.
...Consider a battery-powered toothbrush which adds novelty to cleaning teeth.
Offer a reward every time every time your toddler allows you to brush for two minutes. Or try a sticker chart with a "prize" after a few stickers have been collected.
Use a combination of "show and tell" methods. For example, you could brush your teeth as your child imitates you , then tell your child how to brush while you watch
Make flossing and brushing as much fun as you can to avoid any negative association or resistance as these good habits start when your child is young and will last throughout hid/her life time.
See MoreMy patients are the best !!!
Regular dental check-ups are necessary even when your teeth are in good condition. Providing regular care to the teeth is important for preventing dental problems in the future and it also very funny :).
Dear Parents, I would like to invite you all to Coffee Morning where we will discus how we can keep our children teeth healthy and oral health changes for women during pregnancy. When: 12th December 2017 @ 10 am Where: Dr. Roze & Associates Clinic, Villa #747 Jumeirah Beach Road - Dubai Please let me know if you will be able to attend, contact email: Specialist Paediatric Dentist Egle Vitaite P.S. If you have any questions related your children oral health, please don’t hesitate to contact me. It will be my pleasure to answer all your questions.
See MoreAlways great to refresh knowledge and learn new things!!!!
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