Frost Events is specialised in Full event Management Services Live Concerts, Entertainment Events, Social events and Sports and Fashion Events. . [read more]
Established in 2013. WE 4 U EVENTS is a dynamic company consists of creative individuals that focus on successful coordination, planning and management of corporate and private events. [read more]
Makeup for every occasion. Deep facial cleaning. Eyelash Lifting and Tinting. [read more]
Pink Lady® is finally available in the UAE, and all year round! Pink Lady® Apples. . . So much more than an apple. [read more]
All Type Of Insurance. [read more]
We connect drivers looking for parking, with owners who have parking spaces to rent Tap! Find! Park! it’s that ez! Have a rapid & memorable experience with us. [read more]
Turk Gida General Trading Company based in dubai and original from Turkey. . [read more]
You Can't Enjoy Wealth if you're not in good health. [read more]
WHAT WE DO Helping Your Restaurant Success! We are a hospitality management, restaurant management; we are your right business and management consultant. [read more]
All type of uniforms with best quality. . Phone :065241550/ 0564049009 / 0564048848 ,Email : info@almenhauniforms. ae. [read more]
Candoo Home Services is your answer to a complete home care solution. Whether you are a homeowner, tenant or investor in real estate, having a one-stop, around the clock care provider makes.. [read more]
AL PAMIR INTERIOR DECORATION L. L. C is engaged in architectural design and development of design projects of residential and public interiors. Address: U. [read more]
Artman International company was established and began to operation in food industries aiming to develop an innovation in food industries. . [read more]
Fast-track business set up dubai. They can be contacted via phone at +971582894006 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Content, Insight, Case Studies and Solutions on building Loyalty Programs, Media and Marketing Partnerships. [read more]
Dream Big, sparkle more � and shine bright by our decorations. * Our main goal is to make wishes come true and to sparkle your unforgettable moments. . [read more]
AK SARAY Interior Design Established in Burj - Khalifa area under high skilled engineers and artists from UAE, Turkey, Morocco and Europe. . [read more]
Welcome to my Facebook Page ARTISTRY PALETTE where I will share inspiring ideas all about arts and crafts and I will spread happiness through colors to help you guys get creative and to.. [read more]
We provide our valued clients with corporate gifts/ Uniforms / Engraving / Mug, T-Shirt / Leather Gifts / Branded Pen/Promotional Items / Plastic Bags. [read more]
Manufacturer and distributor (deals in raw as well as finished products). [read more]
With Origin in UAE and 7 successful years of creativity and innovation, MediaBanq is a Media, Advertising, IT and E-Business company. . [read more]
Emirates Group Corporate Communications, located at Emirates Group Head Quarters, 686 Dubai. [read more]
We're providing transportation services to our customers in U. A. E. like crane service, vehicle recovery. Forklifts. . [read more]
Rashid Medical Centre, located at NEAR GOLD SOUQ, Al Ajman. They can be contacted via phone at 067444272 for more detailed information. . [read more]
luxurious lenses Without/ With Prescription Solotica lenses -Contact us : isolotica@gmail. com -World Wide Shipping -100% authentic. [read more]
As an accomplished Event Entertainment Company based in Dubai, we provide entertainment for all kinds of events. Our artists perform at weddings, private parties, corporate events, and.. [read more]
Convenient personal training sessions from certified instructors in your home, gym or office. . [read more]
Online Shopping Store. Best Deal on Mobile phone's and watches. . [read more]
迪拜環球港務集團 ,又稱杜拜環球港務集團,是阿拉伯聯合酋長國的國有企業,成立於2005年,由是迪拜港務局和迪拜港口國際公司合併而成。此後,它以3. 3億英鎊收購英國鐵行公司。它目前是全球第三大集裝箱碼頭營運商,擁有52個集裝箱碼頭公司、4個自由貿易區和3個物流中心,辦事處遍布全球30個國家。其母公司是迪拜世界集團,公司主席是蘇爾坦·艾哈邁德·本·蘇萊姆 。迪拜環球港務目前在中國經營五個集裝箱碼頭,包括香港的葵涌3號及8號碼頭、煙臺環球碼頭、青島前灣集裝箱碼頭和天津東方海陸集裝箱碼頭。2013年3月7日和記港口信託以總代價39. [read more]
Elite Advisors Offer Premium College Advising Service for Elite Students, Our Services Include Oxbridge, Ivy League, Medical Admission and Russell Group Admission. [read more]
Importers, Exporters & Indentors of all kinds of Garment, Household, Foodstuff & FMCG Products. [read more]
Я психологиня, психотерапевтка. Приватно практикую з 2013 року. Приймаю очно в Дубаї та через skype з будь-якої точки планети. . [read more]
-Свадебная фотосъемка -Фотосессии -Предметная фотосъемка -Фотокниги. [read more]
creative photographing for all photographing types weddings, fashions , events, repairing , retouching and coloring , video graphing , designing and marketing. [read more]