The best Place for Self Assessment and Spiritual Healing. [read more]
This masjid is located in long time parking accross the road from Dubai international Airport terminal 1. . There is an free parking behind the mosque. [read more]
Great masjid, praying 20 rakath of taraweeh in Ramadan. . [read more]
Most beautiful Mosque which shows pure Iranian/Persian architecture. It's name is Imam Hussain Mosque. This mosque is worth to visit. Shiite Ladies & men, both come to offer prayers. [read more]
Awesome mosque and awesome environment. Great voice if Adhan and great recitation. The carpets are such that it makes you want to sleep. There are tupis for those who didn’t bring topi, there.. [read more]
If you visit any masjid, please donate sincerely for the maintenance work and expenses of the masjid. It will be sadqa e jariah for you (on going charity) till the Judgement Day. [read more]
حياتى كلها فيه. [read more]
اللهم اجز خيرا القائمين عليه. [read more]
تبارك الرحمن. [read more]
I m sunni and I prayed behind imam. اللهم صلِ على محمد وال محمد. [read more]
Shopping center and mosque give good option plus parking. I go here regularly for Friday prayers. The Mosque is big and has plenty of parking. . [read more]
The Grand Mosque is located between the textile souk and the Dubai Museum close to a small stream in the Bur Dubai area. Originally built in 1900, demolished and built again in 1960, it.. [read more]
I love this masjid. This is Turkey style architecture constructed. Its one of the best mosque in Dubai. Very clean and beautiful place. Suitable place for prayer. [read more]
Spacious and good aircondition. Good location to serve Abu Hail Area. مقابل هذا المسجد الشريف - مع حفظ قداسة المسجد / يوجد مقهى للشيشة رائع جداً. . [read more]
جزاكم الله خير. . . وقدركم على فعل المعروف. . . [read more]
مسجد الشيخة is a mosque, located at Dubai - United Arab Emirates. [read more]
Biggest Grand masjid in this area. Both interior and exterior are very beautiful. Peaceful. Ladies prayer masjid is at the corner side. Well maintained toilets and wudhu area. [read more]
MashaaAllah MashaaAllah SubhaanAllah. [read more]
مسجد اللسيلي is a mosque, located at Al Lisaili - Dubai - United Arab Emirates. [read more]