Burdż al-Arab, Wieża Arabów – wieżowiec, jeden z najwyższych i najbardziej luksusowych hoteli na świecie. Projekt wykonał Tom Wright z firmy WS Atkins PLC. [read more]
Burdž Kalifa, ranije poznata kao Burdž Dubai je supervisoki oblakoder koji sa svojih 829. 84 m visine čini najvišu građevinu koju je čovek ikada napravio. [read more]
A Burdzs Kalifa egy szupermagas felhőkarcoló az egyesült arab emírségekbeli Dubajban. Jelenleg a világ legmagasabb épületének számít 828 méteres magasságával; több mint 300.. [read more]
Nakheel Tower – projektowany przez Al Nakheel Properties drapacz chmur, który miał stanąć w Dubaju. Jeśli zostanie wybudowany, będzie stał w centrum Dubai Waterfront, które jest.. [read more]
If you planning to visit Dubai. ask us any question about Duabi we will help you. also provide Dubai Tour package with visa /Accommodation/ transportation. [read more]
A Burj Al Alam egy, eredetileg 108 emeletesnek és 510 méter magasságúnak tervezett hiperboloid alakú felhőkarcoló építési projektje volt. A torony Dubaj Business Bay részén az.. [read more]
Az Burdzs al-Arab egy hétcsillagos szálloda Dubajban, az Egyesült Arab Emírségek második legnagyobb városában. A torony a Jumeriah nevű nemzetközi szállodalánc tulajdonában van,.. [read more]
We are dealing you’re Cradit card and Loan cases. [read more]
W7 Cosmetics - 100% Authentic UK Brand. . [read more]
Panel of makeover specialists & consultants, guide for an empowered and better lifestyle trend. [read more]
Official stockists of What A Waist, waist trainers and corsets in the Middle East. Free delivery in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and all UAE emirates. WHATSAPP only. [read more]
We are all about media productions and related. [read more]
Al Bahar jewellers Dubai , we deal in retail and wholesale of all kinds jewellery in 18,21,22Carat gold. We deal in Diamonds , precious stones and pearls. [read more]
تقدم لكم عيادة جهاد الطبية العالمية خدمات طبية متخصصة بخبرة عالية حيث تتجلى مهمتنا في الارتقاء بنوعية العناية الطبية وتقديمها وفق المعايير. [read more]
Dr Jehad Al Sukhun, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon with a well established clinical and research records in Implantology, facial and reconstructive surgery. [read more]
We are a Christ-centered Bible-teaching Church. We are ordinary people seeking the Extra-ordinary God. [read more]
Walkers is a newly launched Cafe in Dubai and we are serving wide variety of Juices and Snacks. Our customers says: We are serving Best juices in town. [read more]
Yenidoğan bebek takibi, Uyku bozuklukları- uyku eğitimi, İştahsız çocuk, Emzirme, Besin alerjisi. [read more]
Latest in fashion for kids,Ladies and Men. Browse our imported collection of clothes,accessories,watches for all ages. [read more]
Events and PR company based in Dubai. Reinventing night life in UAE. . [read more]
Movers and packers service in uae. [read more]
We provide premium women clothes at a very reasonable price with FREE HOME DELIVERY ACROSS UAE. [read more]
ANY CAR ANY PARTS. . . . . . . . ALL IN ONE SHOP. . . partsall@eim. ae. [read more]
Be who you are ,and say what you feel. . . Because those who mind, don't matter. . . and those who matter, don't mind. . . . . [read more]
The Company specializes in Construction of Shopping Malls, Multi Storey Residential Apartments, Private & Commercial Villas, Offices, Warehouses & Industry. [read more]
Burj Khalifa, är en skyskrapa i Dubai i Förenade Arabemiraten som är 828 meter hög och har 164 våningar, och därmed både världens högsta byggnad och världens högsta byggnadsverk. [read more]
Follow us on twitter: www. twitter. com/studio8_dubai. [read more]
All dental treatments are given , as : braces , children dentistry, crowns, brides, root canal , fillings , teeth whitening, extraction, cosmetic dentistry. [read more]
Square root coffee shop. [read more]
We provide all types japanese and korean autospare parts through this page. . . wholesale & retail. . [read more]
Established in 2012, we at AKAN help you focus on your core business through our wide range of services including but not limiting to Real Estate, Facility Management, Property Management,.. [read more]
Maling tjenester. [read more]
Translation, Migration, Immigration, Attestation, Stamping Services. [read more]
شركة بيت الطفل لتجارة اثاث ومستلزمات ولوازم الاطفال حديثي الولادة Baby Home trading company for baby and newborn furniture and its accessories. [read more]
Twisted Roots sells high-end clothing that is stylish, practical and travel-friendly. Shop online at www. twistedroots. ae or place your orders by email/call: info@twistedroots. [read more]
General and Esthetic Dentist. [read more]