
Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
Simon & Jenn's - Springs 4, street 3, villa 23 - Al Asayel Street - Dubai - United Arab Emirates


8 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    09 March 2018

    Sports facilities are good

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  • Anynomous
    15 May 2017

    The school got our kids British accents, which upset our family back in the USA, since they do not like that the British people took our language and added an accent and then called it their own. 😭

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  • Anynomous
    28 April 2017

    I went to this school for 8 years. I can genuinely tell you that it honestly was the WORST 8 years of my education. I RATED THIS PLACE SO HIGH ONLY SO EVERYONE CAN READ THIS! The teachers (many of which are still teachers) didn't care about giving the students an education. The main goal is to enforce the outrageous rules they have. Jewelry was stolen from me during a P.E. because they offer no space to keep your valuables while unattended in an locker room that is open to everyone. With most students, there are always classes that can be harder than others. I struggled with a few classes where it got to me no attempting the homework because I had no idea how. The teachers were aware that I had a hard time in class, yet made no effort to talk to my parents nor did they make any effort to help me with the work I struggled with (even though the class size was smaller than what it is now. I never received help during class). In my D&T class, I had missed 2 days because I had strep. In those 2 days I missed learning how to use power tools that were needed for the next assignment. I talked to my teacher about catching up, I was told that I "shouldn't have decided to stay home if everyone else had to come to school" and that I should "figure out" how to complete the assignment without using the tools needed. After that incident, I was ridiculed by my teacher and classmates for varios things. In addition to, I was severely bullied for the last 3 years I was at that school. Including being physically attacked on 2 different accounts and people, after I had talked to the Key Stage Leader many times about bullying and threats that I had received and nothing was done. After being attacked the first time, where there were over 20 witnesses, I went to my form tutor and told her what happened, and nothing was done. After the second physical attack, I told my mum about what happened so she immediately went into the school to talk with my KSL and the principal. Still nothing was done. Adding to the physical altercations that happened I was being ridiculed daily by 5 girls who were in most of my classes. One particularly bad incident occurred during class time, and the teacher was well within earshot of what was being said to me. I spoke to the teacher after class, clearly upset about what just happened and the teacher acted as if she hadn't heard anything, and then proceeded to tell me that I was "over exaggerating" and that I need to "stop making such wild accusations towards such sweet girls". During the second to last day on my last year at this school, my friends and other class mates took turns signing my white school blouse as is was a school wide tradition for the kids who were leaving after that school year. Unknown to me, as I was holding my shirt away from my body so it would easier to sign, a boy who didn't like me decided, that while I was distracted and talking to another person, to draw a bikini on my shirt with unecassary detail. I had attempted to fix what had been drawn by making it into a grinning face, however the eyes and mouth were still in suggestive areas. On my way outside to eat lunch I was stopped by my KSL (yes the same one who refused to do anything when I got attacked) and was told that my shirt was incredibly inappropriate and that I had to be sent home immediately and was in danger of expulsion (the day before my last day). I tried to explain to him what happened, however I was accused of lying just so that I could get out of trouble. The next day I was allowed to come to school and a girl who had been nice to me that year finally told me that the entire class had made a hate group against me, and that it existed the entire year. I got proof from the girl, so my mum took it to the principal. In short he said that there was no point in addressing it considering that I'm leaving the school anyways. If you are considering bringing your kid(s) to this school, I strongly advise against that. I have been to 7 different schools in different countries and DBS is the worst school I've attended.

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  • Anynomous
    26 February 2017

    multicultural students professionals teachers

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  • Anynomous
    21 December 2016

    oh it's a mind blowing school .Such a super place for studying .(commenter:ex-police officer of DUBAI)

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  • Anynomous
    17 May 2016

    I go to this school and I find very nice!

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  • Anynomous
    03 February 2016

    My little sister is in middle school, we’re new to the school. We find this school very academic for student (very focused on learning). Principle seems great so far and I haven't heard anything negative about her from parents of other students. The school is very diverse more than anyone can expect.

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  • Anynomous
    01 February 2016

    My two daughters are studying and I can only say that this school is incredible. School environment is very clean and the school builds study habits as well as character in students which is very beneficial for students. In fact this is the real world. Teachers are very talented, passionate about their job and willing to help students all time.

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