Easy and friendly people they will always assist you
High-level of hygiene, perfect supermarket.
It's a nice organized supermarket when you can find your daily needed food and stuff
صغير وينفع للاحتياجات السريعه
Food was good now thy get this terrible ready made deli food from out side .. also you suppose to be able to order online but this choithrams has nothing in the online menu
سوبرماركت فيه جميع المواد الغذائية ويوصل لين البيت
There is only a malicious nuisance on the outside of the door of the supermarket worker hygiene request money indirectly through speech and expression Please eliminate Ola Hazh habit of intruders
ممتاز 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻