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Chiropractic UAE is located at Marks and Spencer Bldg, Tower 4, Airport Rd, UAE Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. They can be contacted via phone at (+971 2) 6345162, visit their website www.chiropracticUAE.com for more detailed information.

Serving the people of the UAE for over 10 years. ChiropracticUAE are experts in the non-drug, non-surgical treatment of neuromusculoskeltal complaints.

Tags : #MedicalHealth, #Medical&Health

Location :
Marks and Spencer Bldg, Tower 4, Airport Rd, UAE Abu Dhabi
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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TOP 10 treated condition include:
1. Lower back pain
2. Neck pain
3. Disc injuries
4. Headaches
5. Muscle spasms
6. Tension
7. Sports injuries
8. Sciatica
9. Scoliosis
10. Arm/leg pain

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