
AL SUMOOD GROUP is a Business group which was established in year 1999, started as a Logistic company but as the business grew it flourished into a group of companies with diverse activities. All these companies, with complementary services or with diversified ones work in harmony to supplement each other. The most modern rules of management are applied to build a strong base, which is necessary for a reputed name in today's competitive market. •Renewal of Trade License/New Registration •Tenancy contract/assistance for Business Site. •Processing documents in Labor / Immigration / Economic and other government departments if any. Approvals from Ministry, Govt. Depts. •Changing Trade Name/Adding or canceling activity/appointing Manager. •L.L.C License - increasing Capital / withdrawal of Partners / Adding Partners / Increasing Capital / M.O.U Amendment. •Attestation of Import / Export documents. •Chamber of Commerce / Foreign affairs attestation / Ministry of Justice / notary etc. •Assistance for all government and semi government work. •Family visa assistance. We assist in arranging employment visa and documentation for spouse under husband sponsorship. •Application of Visit Visa from Embassies for selected Nationalities with Administration •Visit Visa from Immigration with administration •Visa Transfer, Medical and Blood Test •Resident Visa for families of employees •Visa Cancellation with Administration •Passport Renewal •Renewal of Labour Card, Resident Visa, Medical Card OUR LOGISTIC SERVICESWe provide transportation in fields like;1.Cargo transport by heavy & light trucks.2.Container transportation.3.Heavy equipment transportation.4.Transportation and supplying of aggregate, rock and sand. 6.Carrying out excavation and earth moving projects•Renewal of Computer Card •Legal translation •Car Registration •Attest Certificate's and Diploma's in UAE

Tags : #TranslationLocalization, #Bakeries, #LegalDocumentsProcessingTyping, #LogisticServices, #SpareParts

Location :
شارع الإمارات, Dubai
