The voice of Imam is heart touching. . [read more]
Very good and conveniently located for travelers. . [read more]
مسجد غير جامع جميل ونظيف. [read more]
مسجد رائع خلف سوق الجمعة مباشرة وبه مصلى نساء. الله يرحمه و يغفر له. [read more]
مسجد يقام فيه كل الصلوات بالإضافة إلى صلاة الجمعة ويوجد مكان مخصص للنساء سبحان الله والحمدلله ولا إله.. [read more]
جامع الصناعيه نظيف جداً وموقعه ممتاز. [read more]
Albitnah mosque is a mosque, located at Fujairah - United Arab Emirates. They can be contacted via phone at +971 9 256 8218 for more detailed information. [read more]
Spiritual place with all facilities MashaAllah. [read more]
سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا اله الا الله والله اكبر ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم سبحان الله.. [read more]
This Masjid is inside the police station and very well organised MashaAllah. مسجد نظيف ويوجد به مصلى للنساء. مسجد مركز شرطة كدرة ويىحد به مصلى للنساء. [read more]
يوجد مصلى للنساء. nice mosque with minimum decoration and good atmosphere. جامع طيب وامام متقن وذا صوت جميل. [read more]
It is a great moque by the beach. [read more]
Eid Prayer is a mosque, located at Lulayyah, Khorfakkan - Fujairah - United Arab Emirates. They can be contacted via phone at +971 6 505 5888 for more detailed information. [read more]
This Masjid is opposite of Aalam super market. This area remains crowded by bengalis mostly. Parking ia difficult in this area. No ladies prayer room. [read more]
Built in 1977 so it's definitely one of the oldest mosques in Al Ain after the Hazza Mosque was demolished. It's between the Oasis and Al Ain Bus Station. [read more]
مسجد وشاح الجنوبي is a mosque, located at Weshah - Sharjah - United Arab Emirates. They can be contacted via phone at +971 6 505 5888 for more detailed information. [read more]
Community mosque in Discover Gardens. Nakheel Masjid street 5. Imam voice is peaceful n graceful MASHALLA MASHALLA. [read more]
Big and beautiful architecture of the masjid. Parking is easily available and ladies prayer room is here. It can easily be seen from distant. Peaceful place!. [read more]
One of the oldest masjid located on Truck Road. Peaceful environment over here. Well maintained by Awqaf. Nearby are few markets of food and drinks to enjoy. [read more]
Small and peaceful masjid. A lot of smell comes of shepherds as the cattle market is near. No place of ladies praying area. Parking is easily available. [read more]
جامع أبي بن ثابت الخزرجي is a mosque, located at Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates. They can be contacted via phone at +971 2 582 7755 for more detailed information. [read more]
مسجد ثمامة بن آثال is a mosque, located at Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates. They can be contacted via phone at +971 2 582 7755 for more detailed information. [read more]
Eid Salat Place Al Foah (Permanently Closed) is a mosque, located at Dropped Pin near - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates. [read more]
مسجد كبير 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼. [read more]
مسجد صغير وسط الشعبية. [read more]
تقام فيه صلاة الجمعة Jumaa prayer. مكان راقى وهادئ لأداء الصلوات الخمس ويوجد به مصلى للنساء. يوجد مصلى نساء. [read more]
Grand masjid in this area. Well maintained and peaceful atmosphere over here. Ladies prayer hall is seperate amd parking is easily available. If you visit any masjid, please donate sincerely for.. [read more]
Amazing design of this mosque I have gone there. كبير ويتم صلاة الجمعه. [read more]
الله اكبر الله أكبر. مسجد رائع وهادي وايضاً واسع. مسجد لا بأس به يصلح للصلاة الرجال فقط. [read more]
مسجد الشيخ يحيى محمد الأمين الرجل الفاضل الخبير بالقرآن الكريم وأحكام تجويده. Alhumdulillah MashaaAllah. . I love masjids. . [read more]
مسجد العيد اليحر is a mosque, located at Al Yahar - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates. [read more]
أن شاء الله يكون مسجد عامر بالصلوات والطاعات والذكر والايمان لجميع المسلمين. . وجزاء الله كل خير من ساهم في بناء هذا المسجد. . . توفر المواقف والمرافق. [read more]
عباد الله فإن الأعمال الصالحة تتفاوت في فضلها عند الله تفاوتًا عظيمًا ومن أفضل الأعمال الصالحة وأكثرها.. [read more]
مسجد جميل في التصميم رحم الله من بناه. [read more]
جامع ويوجد به مصلى للنساء مع مكان للوضؤ. والإمام صوته تخشع له القلوب. . [read more]