Small and peaceful masjid. Nearby City centre which remains open 24 hours. Sometimes issue of parking. No ladies prayer room over here. . Small and beautiful masjid. [read more]
مسجد الشيخ خليفه بن زايد. [read more]
Small and peaceful masjid. Parking is easily available and ladies prayer room is here. Well maintained by Awqaf. . Small and beautiful masjid. Parking easily available. [read more]
جزا الله خيرا من بنى هذا المسجد اللهم البسه لباس الصحه والعافيه له ولوالديه. حلو عدال بيتنا. جميل جدا. . . ومرتب. [read more]
Small and peaceful masjid. Located near Al Ain Palace Museum. Parking is easily available. No ladies prayer room. . Small and peaceful masjid. Parking easily available. [read more]
Very big and beautiful masjid. Parking easily available. Well maintained toilets and wudhu area. [read more]
جزا الله خيرا كل من ساهم في هذا المسجد وغيره من المساجد التي يذكر اسم الله فيها. من افضل مساجد العين. ما شاء الله. . . إمام المسجد من أجود ما سمعت. [read more]
يوجد مصلى للنساء ومكان للوضوء أيضا there is prayer room for women. [read more]
مسجد جامع نظيف وتمت توسعته حديثا لكن يزدحم أحيانا بسبب قربه من ارض المعارض. [read more]
مسجد طيب ومرتب جزا الله خيرا من بناه و بارك في اهله وماله. جزاك الله خير يابو عبدالعزيز على بناء على المسجد ❤️. [read more]
مسجد بدر حجي القبيسي على الشارع الفاصل بين الشهامة القديمة وجمعية بني ياس قريب من نادي الوحدة مسجد صغير وجميل وفيه عدد من الشيبان المواضبين على الصلاة بإستمرار. [read more]
If your flight timings disturb your Jummah prayer, this mosque can help you solve this problem. Not very big though but if you go a bit early then you can find space in shades or main hall. [read more]
Mosque at Saadiyat Island is a mosque, located at Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates. [read more]
Abu Dhabi Airport Mosque is a mosque, located at Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates. They can be contacted via phone at +971 2 614 3666 for more detailed information. [read more]
Clean, silent and comfortable for praying. Provided prayer mats (sajadah) & holy books. Will be better if slippers/sandals are also provided to perform ablution (wudhu). [read more]
Good mosque for salah. Beautiful recitation from imam. . اسأل الله ان يجعل مساجدنا عامرة بذكره. [read more]
بيت من بيوت الله. . . كل الشكر للهيئة العامة للشؤون الإسلامية والأوقاف. . [read more]
مسجد حديث وجديد كليا. مسجد كبير و لصلاة الجمعه ايضا. It's a great big and modern mosque 🕌. [read more]
Masjid yas worker camp is a mosque, located at Unnamed Rd - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates. They can be contacted via phone at +971 2 614 3666 for more detailed information. [read more]
I have visited the ground. It's huge. When I went there it was literally empty. But I hope InshaAllah I will go there for eid prayer in future. There is a huge parking space. [read more]
[٣]عن أنس بن مالك - رضي الله عنه - قال: (" كان آخر كلام رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم -) (1) (حين حضرته الوفاة:).. [read more]
Ladies prayer area in Ramadan only. [read more]
مسجد كلف ٤ مليون درهم ويعد فريد من نوعه في المنطقة وحل أزمه وقد بني بعد ٢٠ عاما من الصلاة في مسجد كرفان. [read more]
ما شاء الله تصميم رائع. [read more]
Very nice and beautiful place. [read more]
ما شاء الله نضيف وراقي. [read more]
مسجد الشهيد خليل إبراهيم جمعة المرزوقي is a mosque, located at Unnamed Road - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates. [read more]
مسجد الاحنف بن قيس. رخام للسلالم. ما شاء الله المسجد جميل. [read more]
Nice Location with available parking. [read more]
مسجد عبدالله ابن العاص is a mosque, located at Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates. [read more]
Ma Sha Allah Nice Mosque. [read more]
مسجد جامع. . . [read more]
جامع جابر بن عبدالله is a mosque, located at United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates. [read more]
جامع الحباب بن المنذر is a mosque, located at United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates. [read more]