
The adventures of Uncle Rocky, Fireman (children's illustrated book series, 7 and under). Free book/coloring pages download at www.GladToDoIt.net.


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Uncle Rocky, Fireman is a series of children's (age 7 and below) illustrated story books about the adventures of a firefighter and his two nephews, Ben and Luke. Apart or together they fight fires, promote fire safety, rescue people, and help neighbors. The stories emphasize devotion to duty and service to others and each story ends with Uncle Rocky giving his trademark statement, "Glad to do it!

The Uncle Rocky, Fireman stories were born in 1990 as part of our routine in putting my two oldest boys, then 6 and 4, to bed. Twenty-three years later, I finally got up the gumption to write the stories down and get them illustrated as children’s picture books.

The first book, Uncle Rocky, Fireman Book #1 Fire! is available as a free download at www.GladToDoIt.net. In the book, new firefighter, Rocky Hill, arriving at his first fire is confronted by a frantic mother shouting, "Save my Baby, Save My Baby." While his partners attack the fire Rocky, his heart pounding with the urgency of the situation, crawls through the upstairs searching for the baby trapped in her crib.


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