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Trawick Construction Co Inc is located at 1555 South Blvd, Chipley, FL 32428, USA. They can be contacted via phone at +1 850-638-0429, visit their website www.trawickconstruction.com for more detailed information.

Tags : #GeneralContractor, #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
1555 South Blvd, Chipley, FL 32428, USA
Added by Jopie, at 12 May 2015

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2 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    13 January 2016

    I worked for Trawick in Alabama and they were always fair and respectful to their employees. We always completed the project. If they would have stayed in Alabama, I would probably still be with them.

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  • Anynomous
    19 May 2015

    I have been building apartments for over 30 years and these guys are the worst underground phone cable installer I have ever seen. They have cut our water line 12 times already and refuse to use the locate wire attached to the PVC waterlines. This is a new apartment complex and they have a copy of the utility plans but refuse to look at them (I don't think they can read them) they use the old fashion method to locate underground utilities, their backhoe and they are good at it. It is only common sense when digging around utilities that you probe the ground as you dig to make sure you are not in a ditch line. No telling how many sewer laterals they have cut at this point. Stay away from these guys, they refuse to pay for the damage they have caused and I just ran them off the job. If you see equipment that said "Trawick" on it feel assured you will be getting screwed.

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