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Lumen Impact Group is located at Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48858, United States. They can be contacted via phone at +1616-259-5469, visit their website www.lumenimpactgroup.com, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

At Lumen Impact Group, we support you — as individuals and as teams — in thinking strategically. We help you define your path forward while forging a cohesive, thriving culture. We arm you with processes and tools that address specific needs and prepare you to achieve groundbreaking impact. Clients often say their work with Lumen Impact brings their teams together through clarity in mission, vision and priorities. Your time with us will be marked by light-bulb moments, and the resulting knowledge will fuel your organization daily. We also work one-on-one with leaders and leadership teams, helping them understand how their leadership styles affect their impact as well as their sense of personal fulfillment. Our coaching has helped dozens of leaders maximize their interactions with boards, superiors, peers, teams, clients and stakeholders. All of our efforts are tailored. We customize your experience based on your organization, its mission and its team members. We help you decipher how to overcome obstacles and optimize the opportunities that stand between you and your greatest impact.

Tags : #ManagementConsulting

Location :
Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48858
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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