Have you ever thought about keeping honeybees and wanting to be a beekeeper, this is your chance.
Tomorrow, November 10th will be the 1st Beginner Beekeeping 101 Class at Defiance Extension Office 9am till 3pm. Register now or at the door.
Watching the honeybees on the milkweed...
More Queens:
We are grafting more queens once again in a packed cell starter. This is the way to get quality queens with maximum royal jelly production...
Honeybee Swarms:
Swarm season is coming. Remember if you see a swarm and contact me to retrieve it, I will reward you with raw, unfiltered honey. Thank you for saving the bees...
Enjoy the video, but remember to call professionals. We have the equipment & knowledge to deal with these type of problems...
Kaydee's Bees and honey & Black Swamp Beekeepers Association will have a booth at the Defiance Northtowne Mall on January 12,13, & 14. We will have honey for sale, observation hive, powerpoint, and handouts for the 2018 Introduction to Beekeeping, Beginner Internship and Advanced Internship.
Yellow Jacket Removals:
Another service that we are now offering. We will extract the colony & nest for you without chemicals. We will identify the bees for "free" first and then offer you removal options. Please contact us for rates and time schedule..
Kaydee's Honey:
Our local raw honey is now available at Anna Maries Creations, 321 Clinton Street in Downtown Defiance.
Lip balm, creamed honey, wax, cut comb, and more will be coming soon...
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