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Cjscrafttime is a store, located at West Columbia, South Carolina 29172. They can be contacted via phone at (803) 240-3320 for more detailed information.

If you are looking for a unique gift for someone special, check out my hand made items. Pens, bottle stoppers and growth charts are currently available.

Tags : #GiftShop, #ArtsCraftsStore, #Arts&CraftsStore

Location :
West Columbia, South Carolina 29172
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Added by Jopie, at 29 August 2017

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5 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    08 October 2017

    Solid Wood Growth Charts are currently available for purchase. These make GREAT baby shower gifts!


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  • Anynomous
    21 September 2017

    6' Hand-Routed Growth Charts - Personalization Available

    Fall Special: $40

    Quantity Available: 2


    You have an upcoming Baby Shower, Child's Birthday or want to get a jump on an early Christmas Gift for a special little one?

    Take a look at my 6' Pine Hand-Routed, Hand-Painted Growth Chart! Standard paint color is Black, but I can do any color you want. I also do a light stain, so it is easier to mark your child's height, but can also do a darker stain, if you prefer.

    No more marking up door jams and you can take it with you if you ever decide to move.

    Each chart begins at 6 inches to account for a standard baseboard and includes a saw-tooth self-leveling hanger for guess free hanging. If you have a taller baseboard, I can start the Growth Chart at 9 or 12 inches, whichever works best for you.

    You can also see Hand-Turned Pens and Bottle Stoppers that I have at www.CJsCraftTime.com

    See more

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  • Anynomous
    19 September 2017

    FALL SALE!!! All items have been marked down 20% for my Fall Sale. This is for a limited time ONLY, so be sure to get your orders in. These items make great client gifts or something to keep for yourself.

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  • Anynomous
    05 September 2017

    Unique gifts for a client or to keep for yourself.

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  • Anynomous
    05 September 2017

    If you are looking for a gift for a client and would like something unique, look at the pens and bottle stoppers I have made.

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