Catholic Social Media is a company, located at Omaha, Nebraska 68114, United States. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
365 days of unbranded content for your Catholic parish - all at a reasonable annual subscription price.Save TimeRunning a parish is demanding and we know you have a lot on your plate. Catholic Social Media saves you hours each week by allowing you to post a week's worth of excellent Catholic social media content in just 10 minutes — then you can use that saved time that you on ministry, outreach and administration.Increase OffertoryA recent study found that parishes that post on Facebook at least once a day report average household giving that's 44% higher than parishes that post less frequently. Use Catholic Social Media as a key piece of your strategy to increase your annual offertory.Engage ParishionersDid you know that two-thirds of Generation X and Baby Boomers are on Facebook? Catholic Social Media allows you to engage your parishioners with meaningful, Catholic content that will inspire them throughout the week.
Tags : #MediaProduction, #SocialMedia, #Parish, #Fundraising, #Catholicism
Location :
Omaha, Nebraska 68114
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020