
Nexus Parent Group - NPG


Welcome to the Nexus Parent Group (NPG). Parents with at least one child in the school are automatically a member.


  • Nonprofit Organization



Each of us has different work/travel commitments; some may have other children in different schools; we all have many calls on our time. Some of us are able to regularly help in the classrooms, at sporting and other fun events, on field trips or in the library. Others may be able to volunteer at events held at weekends or donate items if and when required. We can all be involved in different ways.


• We hold regular coffee mornings to get to know each other and discuss in an informal way whatever is on your mind. If you are new to the school or Singapore (or both), we are here to help.
• The Class Representatives also play a vital role in helping communicate information vital to school life. They will probably be your first port of call if you have a query.
• We meet to discuss matters that arise from time to time and to organise particular events e.g., the Christmas Fête, Chinese New Year Celebrations, sports events etc. Requests for assistance will be communicated through the weekly Principal’s Letter and via Class Representatives. The more of us who are involved, the more successful and enjoyable each event will be.

It is part of the school ethos that two-way communication is paramount. This is your Group so please give us any ideas to raise funds (for use in the school or to donate to charity), fun events or anything that you think would enhance the school life of our children.
Email us at npg@nexus.edu.sg


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