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Instituto de Ingenieros Industriales - Inter Bayamón

500 Carretera Dr. John Will Harris, 00956 Bayamon


Instituto de Ingenieros Industriales - Inter Bayamón is located at 500 Carretera Dr. John Will Harris, 00956 Bayamon, Puerto Rico. Visit their website www.ciapr.net for more detailed information.

Asociación estudiantil relacionda al campo de la ingenieria que busca motivar, desarrollar y promover el conocimiento y exposición de todos sus miembros.

Tags : #Company, #YouthOrganization

Location :
500 Carretera Dr. John Will Harris, 00956 Bayamon
Contacts :

Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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We're the student chapter of the IIE in the UIPR of Bayamon. Our main objective is to provide our members new and powerful experiences and opportunities which will help them develop as full length professionals. We want to connect our members with the ever-growing engineering world and at the same time make them visible and reachable on the industries eyes.

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